

  • What a great husband! :) I have one of those too..We are lucky! :wink:
  • Hey there :) I am on day 12, and I agree with the other comment..I noticed it on the scale within the first week & now I am very slowly starting to see slight changes in my clothes as well. :bigsmile: I am so happy with this site. This has been the one thing that was able to give me the push I needed. I definitely feel…
  • Good for you!! :) You enjoy that meal!! :flowerforyou: I have been wanting to get this "Chunky Monkey" ice cream from an ice cream shop down the street as a "Cheat Night" treat, but I told myself that I MUST stick to this for a solid two weeks before I cheat at all. My weakness is dieting for a week & then falling off. Not…
  • I have been eating dry cereal. I am not much of a breakfast person either. I bag one cup of cereal (Usually Cheerios) in a sandwich bag & eat it at my desk when I get to work. This way I am eating it usually a couple of hours after I wake up, and it's easy to eat while I start my day at work also. One cup of dry cheerios…
  • beautifullievengen - You got this! :smile: Us KHK sisters can support each other also! :heart: When people start at my job (Medical Billing Company) I usually tell them also that it's kind of like the "Freshmen 15", basically they could end up putting on a few pounds after starting at our job. We have a sit down job & lots…
  • maryamhull - Great point! I love the positivity! :) It's so true too. When I am feeling especially low is when I like to eat! Something that helps may be silly, but it's me. lol I like to listen to Britney Spears. I have always been a big Britney fan, people can say what they want but she is beautiful and her music…
  • gigipaula - I LOVE your before & after picture icon. That is really great! Good for you! I have a lot of trouble with emotional eating. As soon as I have a rough day I turn instantly to fast food & sweets. It's so horrible. I am happy to say though that today when my husband got home & realized I was down, he offered to…