It's Cheat Meal Time!

I have been looking forward to this meal all day & week long! I feel like I'm almost being rewarded. I know it sounds dumb but I'm excited. My husband made me my favorite, BBQ. I am going to enjoy it but I know when I get on the scale I'm going to feel it. So what right, nothing I can't work to lose again. So I will enjoy it.


  • CrazyAngel06
    Good for you!! :) You enjoy that meal!! :flowerforyou:

    I have been wanting to get this "Chunky Monkey" ice cream from an ice cream shop down the street as a "Cheat Night" treat, but I told myself that I MUST stick to this for a solid two weeks before I cheat at all. My weakness is dieting for a week & then falling off. Not this time though..coming up on two full weeks & I have done so well!! I am so much happier!

    Still can't wait to cheat every once & a while you said, a reward now & then. :wink:
  • Devinsmom02
    I always give myself a cheat meal and sometimes I will take a day to not have to count this or that. I don't go over board but I just let it go for one day. And then I get right back on it the next day. So I say go for it and enjoy your BBQ!!
  • dcladydi
    dcladydi Posts: 95
    Yes! enjoy your "cheat day"
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    You know what - the scales might not even show it - our bodies sometimes love us spoiling them with some special treats - as long as it is just that an occasional special treat......I had a splurge night on Tuesday night - and it did not make a dent on the scale!

    It also helps if you don't throw all caution to the wind - enjoy the BBQ - maybe a wine or beer - but still watch out for any butter, cream, huge helpings of carbs etc that pile on the calories - normally it is not really the BBQ that is the killer - it is the other things that come with it :-)
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    BBQ sounds soo yummy right now! I had my cheat for the day but somehow still remained under calories lol
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    He said he trimmed the fat to help with the calories. So I'm off to eat.
  • CrazyAngel06
    He said he trimmed the fat to help with the calories. So I'm off to eat.

    What a great husband! :) I have one of those too..We are lucky! :wink:
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Two fajita tacos w/avocado and a stuffed grilled jalapeno w/creme cheese later. Oh and some nachos! Boy I'm stuffed!
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    He said he trimmed the fat to help with the calories. So I'm off to eat.

    What a great husband! :) I have one of those too..We are lucky! :wink:

    Yes we are! :wink: