

  • you are in a better place than you realize. acknowledging that the process of gaining weight took years also means you realize that losing it will not be a fast process. First, the way you are feeling should not and cannot be minimalized. Keep in mind: Think about how many years you have added to your life already by the…
  • I keep pretzels on hand at all times. That way at night if I get hungry after dinner, I can have a relatively low calorie snack. Of course I always have it with a large glass of water too, to help fill me up.
  • I've done this! it definitely helps
  • so this is going to sound weird, but when I feel like eating something i go for mini pretzels (not too bad as far as snacks go) and then i dunk them in ketchup, mustard, hotsauce or some combo of the three. It kind of makes me feel like I'm eating something else (maybe a hot dog?!?) and its not bad on caloric intake!
  • Hey, no worries!!! You've said in your profile "I want to be at a healthy weight before I die, I'm 24 now so I have 76 years to reach my goals:-) "! Even if you haven't reached your goals by the time you go to the doctors, you still have 76 years to get there. Maybe you should re-set your goals to something that you can…
  • great post! thanks for the info!
  • I'm impressed with the high amount and intensity of activity you are involved in! keep up the good work!
  • My mistake - I skipped the beginning where it mentioned who wrote the article!
  • The good news, 3 days after my knee injection I was back to wrestling and able to smash my knee into walls and not feel a thing (not that I recommend or did it more than once)
  • how do you get to it?
  • I agree with flemtc completely, and research shows that people who keep food diaries lose more weight and are more likely to keep it off!
  • The best part about this program is the social support. I am a responsible eater when I'm by myself, but whenever I go out with friends, I always order bad choices and overeat. The support here is definitely helping me be cognizant of that. Stick with it, and remember if you make mistakes and get down, check the message…
  • I'm really glad you posted this. When I first moved out on my own after college, I found myself getting the Healthy Choice meals. They are very cheap, very easy, and most of all convenient to put in the freezer and heat up at work. I'm even more thrilled you're a nutritionist - the reason I stopped getting them altogether…
  • I lift every day, and have a muscular build, so I try to get as much protein as possible. One thing that I read on here that another member recommended was to keep the carbs up close to the daily goal. I have definitely noticed that when I don't have enough carbs, I feel lethargic in my cardio. Its a huge switch from the…
  • i just finished my bachelor's in may, and im stoked that my master's program is all papers - no more exams ever.... until certifications i suppose.. or well thats pass/fail so it doesn't really count, right? congrats on As!
  • wow, that first one looks legit nice work, thats real cool
  • I found this site from google as well, looking for fitness programs. Definitely glad I did!
  • Never had one in the heel, but I have had to in the knee for bursitis and one in the top of my foot for a pinched nerve. I had a lot of people say they are very painful, but I didn't think so. If you end up getting one, just look away and take deep breaths, you'll be fine.
  • theres been many times that feeling that way really demotivates me, when i feel that in one bad weekend I have had negated all of the hard work. Use it as fuel to promote exactly the need to continue to work hard, so that it all WASNT in vain. Easier said than done, but its helped me in the past.