Do you think the answer is going to be different the second time you ask a question? I refer you to the last time I answered it. But I'll go to the gym tomorrow and load up some really scary looking 10kg plates, grip, rip and hitch that puppy into the locked out position while a friend snaps a photo of me so I can put it…
[/quote] as should non-hitched i totally lifted that weight and these are definatly 20kg bumpers and not 10kg or less brah :P [/quote] i wonder why they look just like these [/quote]…
For all powerlifting contests organized under the rules of the IPF, only disc barbells are permitted. The use of discs which do not meet the current specifications will invalidate the contest and any records accomplished. Only those bars and discs that meet all specifications may be used throughout the entire competition…
i dont think they make a 100lb bar man, and if they do IPF doesnt use it.
as should non-hitched i totally lifted that weight and these are definatly 20kg bumpers and not 10kg or less brah :P
lol i know right? its too thin to be a mastodon bar.
haha its not raw
the pic you posted locking out, yelling like a manly man.. those are bumper plates, not pig irons. not pie plates, bumpers bro, thats why the bar is straight as an arrow. its super impressive though man. Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress…
i dont.. take pictures of myself ... lifting weights man.. lol. i do compete though. 1890 total in the apf. isnt my e-peen so big, but tell you what. tomorrow i'll go to my gym and load up a bunch of 10kg bumper plates and lock out a super impressive looking deadlift and post the pics on here.
- little over six, lots of bending brah
those... are bumper plates, they could be as low as 10kg, but probably 20kg, and um... the bars not bending man :( also lol is that you in planet fitness?
also your knee is falling in, and your grip is too wide. gotta clean that form up man. lower the weight, leave the ego at the door and do a weight you can hit without letting your knee(s) fall inside. then again im probably being too harsh, its not like its locked out in the pic(or even off the floor?) probably still…
bars not really bending much for 500+ brah :O and those look like 20kg bumpers
Don't get mad man, this guy probably saw somebody who squatted more than he did and the only thing he could say was that his was deeper. So he went home and started a thread.
on what planet do you gain 185lbs on your squat by reducing your rom 2-3 inches? do you just have terrible form/quad dominance? also is that you deadlifting a bunch of bumper plates in your sig? :)
Wait what? lol um......... "2. Increases The Pump! Creatine has been shown to super hydrate your muscles( cell volumization; it literally draws water into the muscle cells). This increases pumps dramatically! Even while on low carbs, creatine can help and…
Bench pressing with a narrow grip is a tricep dominate exercise. It does not actively engage the biceps.. unless you're doing it wrong. Tricep extensions are great too, ^great form check on bench