

  • I love your quote Krikette--. It's so true it hurts just reading it. Ouch!
  • Uh, this is not exaaaaclty what I look like but sure hope to. This chick is 70, yes, 70 years old and still rockin. Can you believe that? Still trying to wrap my brain around that one. Anyway, l'd like to actually look forward to the big 70. We all should.
  • Hey, nice pictures from all. Just so you know, my picture looks absolutely nothing like me! Maybe the round, alien head part. Gee, I really need to upload a decent picture.
  • Hi, thanks for reminding me that it's a JOURNEY and not drudgery. Is that a word? By the way, I love that group's music. Better get some on my ipod. Good luck to you and thanks again.
  • Hi, glad to make anyone chuckle because when I'm hungry, I'm down right crouchy. Love your pretty tracker. Keep up the good run.Hey, I keep trying to post this to Longmom, but my message boards skills are pretty much in the dumps. Must learn to do better. Sorry.
  • Hi, Smiley. Thanks for the welcome. Sounds truly cool to me.