

  • Lol stay away from facebook!! that site will turn you into a zombie! lol
  • but another big part of it is not always doing the same workouts day ina njd day out because then your body gets used to it and u get bored. u gotta change it up all the time, keep it interesting.
  • That is true but I ahve lots of ACDC on my ipod btu they dotn all get me going teh same. Sometimes i use theme songs from movies or the composures from soem flicks that just get your blood rushing. Requiem for a Dream - clint Mansell - great music to get ya going Refused - New Noise Trevor Rabin - Titans Spirit - one of my…
  • Yeah man your not alone.! we are here !
  • We all listen to music Im sure when we go to the gym but are you listening to the right music. IS it just music that keeps you occupied or is it getting you pumped up, giving you that puch you need to finish those stairs and keep going on the treadmill or curl that dumbell one last time. Personelly I listen to music that…
  • Yeah you gotta remeber that anything liek this takes time. About 2 years ago i lost about 50 pounds in about 6 months but it happened very slowly and i started to get really upset by the third month but i stuck to it and slowly i saw that pants were starting to slip down a little. Some of my shirts were way to big for me.…
  • Ya, im livin in Western canad right now but yeah i like Australuia. Very hospitable people
  • ahh ok. lol thanx for the spelling help. I checked your profile. i was just in brisbane a week ago on a trip. Very nice city. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • how do i get my ticker in my signature without putting it in teher every single time? and thanks for the welcome. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • names Chad. just wanted to say hi to everybody else who is trying to change thier lifestyles for the better.