Habehandful Member


  • Hey thanks! Hopefully my husband can get this site downrange. Im sure he would love to see it too. Good luck to you!
  • Thank you everyone for your encouraging words and support. Laps is a great idea for the running. Swimming might have worked although our post does not have a pool, and being overseas we would have to go to an indoor pool and the pools are usually packed. I thought about using the standards of the PT test but since my…
  • OMG good job lady!!! its all those sit ups!! LOL
  • OMG good job lady!!! its all those sit ups!! LOL
  • I thought our little group was going down hill :( Yes your totally right, I think now that school is starting, work is getting hectic again, FRGs are strarting up again, deployments, etc people are just uber busy. I can understand the challenge is difficult. My son is so active, I have a hard time doing other things too.…
  • OO those are good too. So what does everyone think? I think we should start tomorrow (Tuesday) For 10 days we do this challenge....... I was thinking we could check in everyday and let everyone know what activity we did. Cuz then maybe someone else might want to do that activity. I hope everyone had a great weekend. -Renae
  • Okay so my husband came up with this challenge since A. we are lacking on a challenge B. Walk across America SUCKS C. my creativity is on haywire since my mind is in 10 other places So he thought that for 10 days we should challenge ourselves to do 10 different workout activites for 30-60 minutes a day. For 10 days you…
  • Hey all, Tex glad you are back! Um where is everyone? Lindsey I know you were MIA for awhile too. :( SO we need a challenge BAD, besides the Walk across America. Which I know, I know, its not the best website. I am going to search around for something new. What does everyone think about the HCG diet? I was watching DR…
  • Ansley, Hello, Welcome, you are more then welcome to join our group! How are you? We are currently lacking on our challenge right now. I think we will just blame it on the summer and some of the women on here have their hubbys gone, so lots of couch sitting, well except for Heather- shes our running spirit. lol Tell us a…
  • The group was started on 18 August. Like I said, the website is kind of stupid. I cant figure out how to see everyone. I can see the group mileage but not individuals. Thats why I think we should just post every weekend. I still think we should still use the site to track our individual goals. Plus its a little silly way…
  • Savanna welcome back! We missed you. We will get you up to speed whenever you are ready. I hope you are enjoying your time with your guy. Tell him hello, and enjoy the rest of your weekend. -Renae
  • THe problem is you can only see the team progress. Whoever designed the website is not most technical computer savy. I dont know if any of you noticed but it takes a while for things to load. So we will just have to post our mileage at the end of the week. Since it is Saturday we should post. I know I just got it up this…
  • Heather, SOmething that I do to help tone up some areas is doing short sprints. My husband actually got me into it. Most people run for a long time in the gym every day for weeks on end and dont get quick results. I was doing the same thing and getting really frustrated. As I was doing this, my husband was doing what he…
  • OKay the Team is up We are: Hearts Behind the Camo Start logging your miles. 4063 miles Virginia - Oregon Here are all the ID numbers Heather: 67259 Tex: 67268 Lindsey: 67286 Gessa: 67268 Renae: 67258
  • OKay Hearts Behind the Camo it is. SOrry, I have been soooo busy with the FRG. We have a new Commander. Audit time. ugh. OKay im making the team RIGHT NOW. Start logging NOW Ready GOOOO! Yea its been a whimpy week for me too. I think every now and then we can have those. Although I have lost 2 LBS HOORAY! Although I…
  • Im going to clear a few things up. First off. Hooray to Lindsey!!! THis is a big deal! We just might have to throw you a Bachlorette party Via computer style. Yea it will be awesome. LOL okay Im jumping ahead. Okay so the mom, not so into you. But your not with the mom, your with the guy. She will learn to love you. If…
  • WHat about this team name- Running the Homefront: Military Wives
  • CONGRATULATIONS to everyone. I think everyone did great. Here are the grand totals: ..............Olney(Heather).........Habe(Renae)...Texastae.....Gessa.......Lindsey P: ...................85..............................30......................72..............220.............220…
  • Okay here are my numbers. Sit ups: 350 Push ups: 30 I wish I would have done more push ups. Looking back, I only did them on Tuesday and Wednesday...eeesh. I propose we do it again this week. Starting Sunday night your Midnight Also.......... Here is the months challenge........................................... For the…
  • My post just got deleted. This has been the worst week. Sorry I have been MIA. My computer decided not to work. So I actually decided to go out and buy another one. But dont worry that one didnt come with a wireless card. SO I decided o what the hell, I am going to turn the one that I thought was broken back on for…
  • You're welcome. I use my couch. LOL Yes this week has flown by. I will double check on that pt number. My hubby is suppose to call tonight. Yippeeeee Yea 76 yikes. But I think thats in 2 minutes right? Okay so heres a cute story!!!.................... I was doing my sit ups this morning and my son whom is only 14 months…
  • Good job! Can you put your feet under your couch? That what I do. Or under the tv stand. Wait let me look around my house. Under the bed Use weights to hold your feet down. Ive used two 40pounders Does that help? I love this friendly competition! I feel so motivated. lol
  • Tanya! Hey yes of course you can still join! Get your PT on with the push ups and sit ups. Record every day and post on Friday. Savanna Welcome back! Get to see your guy HOORAY!!! and you made it to your mini Goal OOOOO YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Round of applause for Savanna!!! My Texas friend....how are your sit ups comin???…
  • OMG no you are not!!! YOu can do it. Try to put your arms out in front of you like they are swords. Sometimes that is easier. It will help balance your weight. come on Marine wife...get your Oorah on! LOL I want you to make it your personal challenge to do 20 full sit ups by the end of the challenge. Push yourself. Don't…
  • Olney- Welcome. Im in Germany- so we are neighbors. woohoo. yea I just said woohoo. omg Glad you are here. Those last lbs are a can I say it b.i.t.c.h. BUT there is hope. I have had some great support here especiallly from my military friends and some more has come weight has come off. I still have 5 lbs left and with my…
  • Nope just the normal sit up. The other ones are weird. haha Okay. Today is Monday! Lets go! There are only a few of us. But WHO CARES!! We dont need 50 people for awesome motivation. Good luck.
  • Hey Niki, We totally understand. SOmetimes life gets in the way of life. We are all still here to support you in any way.. And we will do another challenge for sure!! And the Navy girls will represent you properly :) -R
  • Gessa, We totally posted at the same time. Great minds think alike. And welcome! Lindsey you are so funny. USMC Captain...Hey you have the owner rights now!! LOL
  • Crunches are when you just crunch your abs. You would lift your shoulders to about 30 degrees off the floor. The Sit up is when you entirely lift your shoulder blades off the floor to about a 70 degree angle. Your arms will be across your chest. When you come up, you will hit your knee caps and then go all the way back…
  • Hooray! Nice to see this is moving along. I would like to wait until everyone from the last thread posts...just so we can get our teams together. So lets motivate everyone to join!! Glad everyone is doing well. I hope the deployements are going smoothly, although they never are the smoothest. lol Lindsey- USMC Captain- yes…