

  • Water with lemon in it is better for you, no doubt. Crystal light has artificial sweeteners in it and some studies have shown that they actually make you feel hungry. I was the worlds worst about drinking water. I knew the benefits, I just couldn't stand it! I bought myself a brita pitcher so that my water tastes good and…
  • I agree about being strict with your diary for a couple of weeks. If you do decide to lower your calories, I wouldn't be as drastic as you are talking about. Just lower them by say 50 calories. Ya know, one thing that has worked for me when I hit a plateau was to be strict with my diary and calories and then plan a day to…
  • Don't panic! I know it sounds trite to say muscle weighs more than fat but the way you describe your workouts that sounds like the case. So right now you are just converting fat to muscle and not seeing a difference on the scale. But hang in there because you will! You say that you have noticed a difference in strength and…
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