

  • I can totally relate to the exercise part, but am a little different because I have two little babies to get ready if I want to do any kind of outsourced exercising! It is a chore to get moving! You can add me as a friend if you'd like too.
  • Hi-I'm a nurse too! Would love to have you as a friend! Just started recently!
  • Hi, I don't have RA, but if u want me for a friend you can send a request:)
  • Hi, I haven't learned how to navigate this site very well yet, but I will get there! Yes, I believe I am similar to you. I am an almost stay at home mom! I only work 1-2days per week, but I have a 19 month old and a 7 month old and am expecting in August 2013. I am 45 lbs overweight, and I am hoping to maintain where I am…