Friends needed

MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
I live in SC, I'm 44 years old, 5'9" knocking on 200 pounds and I need support. I ride a chair in front of the computer during the day, so my only outlet is martial arts two to three nights a week which is easier to do because it's done as a group. I go to the gym sporadically, but it's like donning concrete shoes to go because I go alone. I'm trying to be good, but really, I hate exercise. Is there anyone that can relate?


  • karrot28
    I can totally relate to the exercise part, but am a little different because I have two little babies to get ready if I want to do any kind of outsourced exercising! It is a chore to get moving! You can add me as a friend if you'd like too.
  • idwoman
    I hear you as well ... I'm 45, work from home and spend the majority of my day in front of my computer. (Currently 5'11 and 258). I'm in the process of building a standing desk as one way to get off my butt and actually stay upright. But knee surgery last week sidetracked even that progress.) I could really REALLY use a friend to stay on track this time. It seems most of my friends who have struggled with weight have conquered their issues in the past year and have dropped it. I really, really want to join THOSE ranks by this time next year. I feel so completely done with being the big girl in the room! Would be delighted to join in an "alliance" and help each other out!
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    idwoman, consider me in! Others welcome to friend, I love using MFP! It is such a source of freedom to me from old ideas and habits!
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    Yeah, I can relate. Sitting all day is not fun and going the gym after can be tough too. Feel free to add me if you're looking for friends here!