

  • i agree, they body increases blood flow during an injury and increases in fluids, chances are its just water weight, increase your water intake, that is so important to keep up your water intake, our bodies automatically hold on to water if it doesn't get what it needs....you'll be back on track in no time, you're doing…
  • oh yeah and i forgot, green beans w/bacon and 1/2 can of cream of mushroom, not many calories there either.
  • something simple i like to make and is cheap is zucchini, onions, corn (sometimes tomatoes) warm them up and then drain juice and add fat free Italian dressing with some garlic and onion powder, pepper and salt to taste. In expensive to make and tastes good. also, i like to do the same to cucumbers....w/Italian dressing,…
  • welcome...i just started on here myself, i considered the bypass but opted out to try this on my own by making smart healthy choices, it's not easy at all, so my hands up to you! I can say here are some things that have helped me, eating eggs for breakfast every morning or if i just don't have time, eat a fiber one bar,…
  • I just joined in as well! I have 5 friends joining me in a 3 month weight lose journey...so far 3 weeks in and i haven't lost a lb...so i decided to join in here and if i keep myself accountable and watch what i'm eating, maybe just maybe i can reach my goal