

  • I am 28 weeks preganant with #2 this time a boy and NEEDED to log back into MFP to start keeping track of my calories. I started at 149 and just didn't make exercise a priority as I should have.... But, I make excuses :smile: I work 6 days a week and really need to sneak in a walk before or after and am having trouble…
  • Girl it will!!!!!!! you can do it!! Way to go on your success already!!
  • That is awesome!! Congrats! I lost 45lbs over the last year and a half (teetering up and down 5lbs or so...)I recently tried on my senior prom dress from 11 years ago, and IT FITS!! Just as it did 11 years ago! Now I need some motivation to loose the 5lbs that I struggle with! LOL!
  • I don't think that I had done this yet... This site is so neat, I love that I can keep on track with counting calories abnd monitoring my exercise. (well, when and if I ever do exercise) I have went from a size 16 to a 6/8. I still however have a six pack of rolls on my belly. :) I lost 45 lbs and am now just trying to…
  • Bread! Oy my gosh it's my weakness!! I made the mistake of making homemade white bread last weekend, oooh it was soooo good. I had a bad weekend, I ate a bunch of cookies and drank way to much diet pops. I really try to eat in moderation so I do not have to ban foods, but lately, if it's there, I will eat it. I'm glad I'm…
  • I started on my weight loss journey back in December of 2007. I saw a weight loss doctor, and lost with REALLY HARD work and dedication along with help from prescibed phentermine, I lost a total of 45 lbs. I was 175lbs and am currently 130lbs. I went from a size 16/17 dress pant to a 6/8. I had that terrible huge tummy…