Banned foods

I was a baaaaaad girl this weekend. I have a hard time not binging on certain foods. I know the answer is just to not have them in the house. yeah. too easy. :laugh: so I had some coupons for skinny cow. I swear, I can't get the ice cream sandwiches and not eat the whole pack! as ashamed as I am to admit it, it's true. This weekend I bought 2 packs and ate one on saturday and one sunday. :grumble: I got some serious making up to do at the gym!

what's your banned food?


  • vegasmellie
    vegasmellie Posts: 118 Member
    I was a baaaaaad girl this weekend. I have a hard time not binging on certain foods. I know the answer is just to not have them in the house. yeah. too easy. :laugh: so I had some coupons for skinny cow. I swear, I can't get the ice cream sandwiches and not eat the whole pack! as ashamed as I am to admit it, it's true. This weekend I bought 2 packs and ate one on saturday and one sunday. :grumble: I got some serious making up to do at the gym!

    what's your banned food?
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    Wheat, eggs, dairy, garlic, almonds.

    They each make me very ill and I've not eaten them in 12+ years. (Minus a small small amount of cheese a few times a year - I have a much more mild reaction to that. The wheat makes me very ill for about 10 days. LOL How many people do you know who've had a nightmare about eating a piece of toast?:laugh: )
  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    Oh i know those things are addicting, thankfully i don't have coupons for them and i have trouble spending five dollars on them so it keeps me away, until they go on sale at least. My banned food is baked cheddar and sour cream lays, if i buy a bag i will eat the entire thing in one day, i just can't stop myself, i wish they would make smaller bags
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    No banned foods here. I eat everything in moderation, keep within my limits, and allow myself to splurge from time to time. I just need to try to start eating more veggies. I don't eat enough of them. I think that's part of the reason I've been soooooooo unbelieveably tired and exhaused every day lately. :cry: Don't feel too bad everyone has to splurge once in a while :bigsmile: Just keep it within reason....And you'll reach your goals in no time :flowerforyou:
  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    Wheat, eggs, dairy, garlic, almonds.

    They each make me very ill and I've not eaten them in 12+ years. (Minus a small small amount of cheese a few times a year - I have a much more mild reaction to that. The wheat makes me very ill for about 10 days. LOL How many people do you know who've had a nightmare about eating a piece of toast?:laugh: )

    I've had nightmares about eating olives, who knows why we dream the things we do LOL!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Sugar-free candies--love them! And can sit and eat the whole bag and justify to myself "but it's sugar-free"! BUT, my guts do not like them AT ALL, so I avoid sugar-free candies, ice cream, etc. like the plague. Unless it's made with Splenda, I can't eat it. It's the sugar alcohols that does it.

    but every time I go by them in the store, I can hear them calling my name!
  • petunia
    petunia Posts: 336 Member
    I probably SHOULD ban ice cream from my house, b/c I have a really hard time not eating a ton of it when it's around, but I don't want to totally forbid myself from having something... I think that's why this lifestyle change is working for me... everything in moderation like kellch said...

    That being said, I'm worried about the upcoming football season... weekends around our house (rooting for the BUCKEYES - GO BUCKS!) usually include a lot of junk food and highly caloric dips, etc... I am NOT looking forward to trying to stay away from that stuff!

    'cause once I get started......
  • vickster82
    vickster82 Posts: 108
    im a carb addict! the best thing is home-baked break or very tasty rolls of any kind. i try not to eat white bread at all and save it only for holidays or special occasions. but to satisfy my cravings for bread i go to natural bakeries and just buy a piece of something delic. since i know the caloric value, no guilt there!
  • rosemarymint
    rosemarymint Posts: 132 Member
    Not necessarily banned but every other month or so I will allow my favorite food ever.....Kung Pao Chicken and chicken fingers...maybe a small fried rice too. UMMMmmmm Can't wait to have it again!
  • hopetokeepitoff
    Bread! Oy my gosh it's my weakness!! I made the mistake of making homemade white bread last weekend, oooh it was soooo good. I had a bad weekend, I ate a bunch of cookies and drank way to much diet pops. I really try to eat in moderation so I do not have to ban foods, but lately, if it's there, I will eat it. I'm glad I'm not the only one!
  • vanessadawn
    I :heart: butter chicken. but so bad for calories.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Peanut Butter- I can't handle having the stuff around. I can't eat a reasonable portion either.
  • ginnie
    ginnie Posts: 44
    anything past 8pm :laugh:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    anything past 8pm :laugh:

    Aaaaay-Men! :laugh:
  • mireyita44
    I:heart: milk chocolate is like a poison for me, when I get one I want them all.. And I cannot stop, so I prefer not be any close to any chocolate.:explode:
  • Glammy
    Glammy Posts: 115 Member
    Milk Duds. And O'Charlies rolls. Oh, and German Chocolate cake. Maybe those soft chocolate chip cookies or double chocolate cookies at Subway. Did I mention O'Charlies rolls? ...:grumble:
  • kwill23
    kwill23 Posts: 122
    My weakness is homemade mashed potatoes with gravy. Thank fully it takes a while to make so i don't make it very often, every couple of months.
  • Emdicio
    Emdicio Posts: 270 Member
    While I wouldn't say anything is banned there are a few foods I just do not buy because of my lack of control with them....

    #1 - cold fried chicken - it's what's for breakfast, lunch and dinner; I LOVE it!!! Can.....not.....resist....
    #2 - pizza - fine as single servings but get a whole pizza and my wife and i will eat it all in 1 (long) sitting
    #3 - Ben & Jerry's (and the like) single cups; gone in 2 sittings max.......that are probably 20 mins apart :sad:

    That said, we haven't had any of the above for ~3 months now. Maybe for a slurge some day....
  • BunnyHop
    BunnyHop Posts: 58 Member
    I have trouble with nutty ice creams. Butter pecan, black walnut, pistachio ... . Love them. I guess I've just trained myself to live without them and this was true before I started a food diary.

    I love potato chips, pretzels and Cheetos too, but now that I'm keeping track of sodium in my food, they're just not worth it except as an occasional thing, and even then I try to only buy a small size.

    I should probably ban milk chocolate, but we keep the Hershey's nuggets in the house as a snack for my dad, and I can never quite resist them.
  • lynzz
    lynzz Posts: 45
    My biggest weakness is Jelly Bellys.....I can't just eat a few--must eat the entire bag. A very close second is peanut butter!!! I haven't bought any this year because I simply can't control myself and will resort to eating it straight from the jar until its gone. :blushing: