

  • I always use a heart rate monitor for every exercise I do, machines or classes. Even though I do wear a heart rate monitor, I still put in my age, weight, etc and the machines are always way off. They always show more than what my monitor says I burn. I believe the heart rate monitor is more accurate.
  • Just received my Turbo Fire in the mail today! I cant wait to start it! From the sounds of it from everyone here, it is awesome!
  • I ordered it last week, should be here any day now! I cant wait! I dont know much about the program, but I am looking forward to it! Good luck!!
  • I have always heard that mornings are better, however, I am just not able to wake up and exercise before going to work..so, I always exercise in the evenings, except weekens.. I try to do late mornings on the weekends, as well as an evening workout. Seems to be working for me :-)
  • Thanks for the warm welcomes :-) Yes, very true, it is hard working your butt off, but definitely well worth it! I love to see everyone's progess!
    in Hello! Comment by tammyrains August 2011