jazpiri Member


  • Greek yogurt has a lot more protein per ounce. If you get the non-fat plain it has fewer calories. It's SO good!!!! Thick and creamy! Mix the plain with some cinnamon! YUMMMY!!!
  • raisins and cinnamon apple chunks and cinnamon dates, nuts, and cinnamon I'm telling you... it's all about the cinnamon!!! :laugh:
  • check out the old post "calorie question" http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/32962-calorie-question?page=1#posts-326158
  • I can speak from experience that 2 hours a day in the gym at the intensity you are describing is NOT a good idea. I too LOVE to workout at the gym, but people like us seem to go too far. There is such a thing as being addicted to exercise and it is considered another form anorexia if your body fat % drops too low. It's one…
  • I agree with kerrilucko. You just need to make sure you are getting enough calories to fuel your body and build lean muscle tissue. Every time we workout our muscle tissue is broken down, in order to rebuild that tissue and new, stronger, muscles we need appropriate calories. Instead of using all those extra calories as…
  • Happy Birthday Cheryl I went to my first spinning class today! It was great. Might do a short easy run later to stretch my legs after work.
  • Wait until the end of the day. If at the end of the day you have burned 500 calories more than consumed, you will lose about 1lb per week. On a daily basis if you burn more calories than you take in you will lose weight. 3500 calories burned is about 1lb of weight loss. The important thing to remember is that you never…
  • Just finished 7.3 miles in heavy rain and high winds. I tell ya, wind resistance makes for a tough run! Oh, if anyone is interested in a good website for planning runs and tracking miles I love www.mapmyrun.com It's GREAT!
  • I like to drink peppermint tea. I also like to commit myself to doing pilates or yoga 30min before bed which keeps me from snacking because I don't want to do those exercises right after eating. Have you ever tried doing a downward dog after eating? :happy: Take my advice and don't.
  • I think it's BS! Studies have shown the reason us Americans are so overweight is primarily due to the fact that we are not nearly as active as we were 100, 50, even 20 years ago. Of course "super-sized" portions and processed foods play a part, but not being active is HUGE. Studies have shown that even if you are…
  • Some great vegan snacks I like are LaraBars and Nectar Bars. They are not really high calorie, but each bar has between 150-230 calories depending on what flavor you get. Also, try mixing flaxseed, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds with your fruits and veggies. Finally, try including some dense and hearty whole grain bread…
  • Well... the location is still undecided because there are 2 within 2 weeks of each other. But it will be the first or second week of May.
  • I'd like join MFP Runners club. I'm a runner after all.:happy: I did "Self Bikini Body Ready" DVD and elliptical... I too plan to run (or bike) during Biggest Loser tonight followed by some good stretching. I start training next week for my next marathon in May.
  • So, I've noticed there is an MFP Runner's Club. How do I join up with you folks? I'm a big time runner and am going to start training for my next marathon soon and could use some support/motivation now that I don't have a running partner anymore. :cry: Thanks! Send me a message with info please! :happy:
  • Doesn't look like there is a way to include that but the website http://www.ahealthyme.com/topic/calneed takes breastfeeding into consideration. So I suggest using their calculator and then using that number as your base.
  • Sounds kind of like an Olive Garden Shrimp Primavera type dish. So, in the food search look up "Olive Garden shrimp" and then choose the portion size that seems appropriate.
  • Target has what they call the "Biggest Loser" scale for 29.99. It has digital reading with weight measurements 0.2lb increments. check it out at target.com Also, try amazon.com. They have some great deals!
  • Eat the salad! But avoid fatty toppings like cheese and croutons.
  • Has anyone tried the 10minute trainer program by Tony Horton? The advertisements seem a little out there to me. I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the workouts. I am wondering if they are challenging and if you actually feel like you got a good workout. I am someone who is quite fit already but I want to see some more…
  • good luck. remember, baby steps. i like to set one goal per week. one week it might be to eat less sugar, the next week it might be to do yoga at least 4 times, etc...
    in New! Comment by jazpiri December 2008
  • You don't burn a lot of calories while you are strength training, but you continue burning calories after you stop. When you are doing resistance type exercises you are tearing your muscle tissue and in order to rebuild it (and build more) takes more calories. For example, each time you do one bicep burl you are…
  • I share your pain! I've gotten way off track myself. Unfortunately, I've been off track off and on for about 3 months!!!! To top it all off I've gained almost 15 pounds since May!!! They say there is the "Freshman 15" when you go to college... but what about the "post graduation pounds"? I never gained weight in college…
  • I don't know about links between weight gain and ambien or unisom. But have you ever tried taking melatonin to help aid in sleep? It's an all natural sleep aid that is actually part of our biological make up; some people just don't produce enough of it and thus have trouble sleeping. When I was writing my thesis I was…
  • Don't beat yourself up. I went over today too. I waited too long to eat and then I was ravenous so I ate way more than I needed too and did not make healthy choices. But, the way I see it, the next meal is a new chance and tomorrow is a new day. Even if we make an unhealthy choice early in the day we can make up for it by…
  • Luna bars are pretty good. A a few even healthier options are Lara Bars and Nectar Bars. They are made from only fruit and nuts, I love the dark-chocolate walnut Nectar Bar and the Cherry Pie Lara bar. Lara Bar also has some other great flavors like mocha, cashew cookie, cocoa mole, lemon... Another really good dessert…
  • It's tough, but keep it up. The holidays aren't going to make it any easier. I struggle too. Especially at night! I work until 7:30pm so even if I eat a good lunch and breakfast when I get home I just eat and eat... and not always healthy choices either. I think it is just an old habit that I need to break. That is going…
  • you might have hit that plateau stage. Try adding intervals into you work outs or changing what kind of cardio you are doing. i.e. surprise your body!
  • just sip it. don't try to guzzle. :smile:
  • use a calorie free sweetener like splenda and milk instead instead of sugar and cream. Even using whole milk will save you calories. 2 TB of cream (the serving size) has 40 calories and 1.7g of fat, whereas whole milk has only about 20 calories for 2 TB and only about 1g of fat. So, that's half the calories!
  • Yes. I know your frustration. I do not have a child but I know the feeling of wanting to be a size that I was before. However, you may want to start working with the idea that, if this is your first child, your body has changed a lot in order to carry the child to term and then birth her. Also, you could try focusing on…