jazpiri Member


  • Yes. Rowing machines are a great workout! But, if you get one and/or start using one I suggest finding someone to get a lesson from. If you do not use proper form you can cause some pretty bad injuries. Search for a local crew team and see if you anyone would be willing to give you a lesson on the machine. If you don't…
  • Thank you. What a great post. We all need encouragement.
  • Don't get too discouraged. You're approaching the whole situation the way you should and focusing on proportions. Plus, if you don't allow yourself treats now and again you end up binging and that just makes it all worse. The scale could have shown a weight gain due to water retention, you most likely did not gain 1.5…
  • yup. it's fine to workout if you're sore. actually, it usually helps me be less sore if i workout. just do a harder day followed by an easier day and make sure you stretch.
  • I'm in! My goal is 5-8 pounds by St. Patty's day. AT LEAST 5pounds! If I get more. Great. But I am really going to need some help. I have totally fallen off the wagon recently and I feel HORRIBLE. I've been excercising plenty but eating like crap. HELLPPP!!!!!!! :sad:
  • I think maybe a cheat meal is better than a cheat day. When I've given myself cheat days in the past I use it as an excuse to go crazy all day and then I don't feel very good. So, I've found that a cheat meal is better. When I know I'm going to go out with friends in the evening I eat healthy all day and try to eat mostly…
  • I would put lightly active if you are doing cleaning and spending most of your day on your feet and/or walking around the house. I work in customer service and spend most of my day standing at a register with little bits of walking around and I put lightly active
  • Preparing for my marathon in May. Just did a 5.5 mile temp run. 1 mile warmup, 3 miles at 7:54 min/mile, 1.5 mile cooldown. On the treadmill, but its better than not running at all. Plus, treadmill running for tempo runs and intervals is good for me because then I hit the right marks.
  • I like Kashi Go Lean Crunch bars and Balance Bars. I also make my own trail mix. I use a combination of nuts and dried fruit and some whole grain cereal like puffed Kamut, Flax Plus, unsweetened, organic cornflakes... anything that has very few ingredients. It is great because you can eat more than your traditional…
  • Just ran almost 6.5 miles. It was an easy run today. Felt good. Weather was nice. Not too cold. Not raining.
  • This upcoming week my goal is to not snack after dinner. It is a bad habit that has caused my 10lb weight gain since last May. I've tried to break the habit before and have not been very successful. So, I am hoping that my writing it down and making it public I will be able to make greater progress in eliminating my late…
  • If you feel like it go for it!
  • Just got back from a 7.75mile run. I just went running. I didn't plan for how long or how far. I just got out to run. Then when I got home I used www.mapmyrun.com (an awesome running site) to calculate how far it was and what my time was. 8:22min/mile. Wasn't what I would call an "easy" pace, but it didn't feel hard…
  • No running for me today. Spinning class this morning and strength training later.
  • sounds great. I love spaghetti squash! How many servings does it make? I served spaghetti squash to a friend and her fiance once. I had forgotten her fiance has a hard time eating vegetables, but he LOVED it. He kept asking her when they were going to make it! :happy: It's been over 2 years and he STILL talks about it!…
  • 6.7 miles. Felt tougher than usual. Oh well.
  • 10 miles today. Felt great! I could have gone longer, no knee pain after, all is good in the world.
  • I'm finally back in my runners after recovering from a minor injury. Only did 3.5 miles today but start marathon training on Monday with a 10miler!! YIPPEE!! :happy:
  • does your bike give the option of programming weight and age? If not, I'd say it's not very accurate. Unless exercise machines give you the option to program it for age, weight, and sometimes gender, they can over estimate by almost 60%. Once a machine takes into consideration your age and weight then it's usually only off…
  • I wish had your problem.
  • Don't worry. You're not the only one. I feel like I have those days a lot. I am really unhappy with my job and living situation right now so I tend to get home and eat and eat. All pretty healthy foods, but more calories than I need.
  • Sexy_N_Red 30 Day shred is a workout program by Jillian Michaels (one of the trainers from Biggest Loser)
  • Search the cardio exercises for stationary biking and then break it up into segments. When I do my exercise report for spinning I break it up between moderate effort, light effort, and vigorous effort. I put most of the time under moderate and then some under light for cool down and some under vigorous for the sprints.…
  • 2 cups cooked lentils 1/4 celery cut into small pieces 2 Tb minced garlic 1/4 chopped onion 1/4 grated carrot 1/4 chopped mushrooms 1 cup cooked quinoa 2 eggs + 2 or 3 egg whites Bake on parchment paper or lightly greased baking pan at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes OR cook in a lightly greased, non stick skillet until…
  • I just bought 30 Day Shred because I have hear such great things about it. It claims that you will lose up to 20lbs in 30days and I have been struggling to get off about 5-10 for a while now. I've been pretty good about hitting my calorie and exercise goals but the scale has not been cooperating. So, I sure hope the claims…
  • where you reading that number? Is that on your home page "net calorie goal"? If it is on your home page as you "net calorie goal" then it's probably a mistake. Try reentering you info.
  • I LOVE kayaking!
    in Kayaking Comment by jazpiri January 2009
  • I'm in the same position you are! About 600 calories left but dont want to eat them.
  • I'm skeptical of eating all my exercise calories. It just seems like eating so much will not help me lose weight. I usually earn about 800-1000 extra calories a day through exercise. Will eating those extras really help me lose weight? Won't it help me lose weight faster if I don't eat all of those calories?