jazpiri Member


  • I use www.nutritiondata.com
  • Try drinking clubsoda or sparkling water instead. I like Talking Rain sparkling water.
  • First, make sure you ice them. Second, avoid exercises that are high impact. Third, strengthen your shins by doing toe taps. When you are sitting or standing keep your heel on the ground and tap your toes up and down quickly moving side to side. Does that make sense?
  • First, are you eating enough? If you are only eating 1200 calories a day AND exercising your body is probably not properly fueled and is clinging to every calorie in an effort to not starve (I speak from experience). Second, how much weight do you need to lose? Are you already at a healthy weight? If you're already at a…
  • It's there. Search cardio exercises for yoga. If I am doing more vigorous yoga (a lot of sun salutations and changing poses quickly) I do half the time as light calisthenics and the other half as yoga.
    in yoga? Comment by jazpiri January 2009
  • Seltzer water is far better health wise because it is all natural. Diet soda has a lot of fake sweetners and artificial coloring and flavoring. Artificial sweetners have even been found to cause weight gain because the body does not know how to respond to them.
  • The only thing I can think of is look at your goals and then your fitness minutes report and compare it.
  • It depends on what you chose as your activity level when you first established your goals. If you chose "sedentary" then I would add in those minutes. Or, go back and change your activity level to "active".
  • Way to go! You've taken the most important step: deciding for yourself that you want to change your habits and become healthier. Good Luck!
    in MY QOALS Comment by jazpiri January 2009
  • Flax seed is also high in Omega 3 fatty acids which most Americans do not get near enough of.
  • I think you're fine. Although one day a week I would choose to do just one activity, walk or bike. I'm an avid runner and I can tell you from experience that taking one "easy" day each week is your best bet for not over training. But also go by how your body feels. If you are just exhausted, take a day off. Or, an even…
  • WOW! This sounds great! I had never heard of it. I am going to do both the sit ups and push ups!
  • runnersworld.com has some great stuff for beginning runners. It's also great because you can use runners world from beginner to expert. They have all kinds of good tools for training for races and specific distances, how to increase mileage without injury, etc...
  • Eat something healthy first and then see how you feel. Then, if you still have the cravings choose one thing you're craving and eat a reasonable amount. Then, for the rest of the day focus on eating healthy.
    in cravings Comment by jazpiri January 2009
  • I am very active, have a pretty low body fat%, and at a healthy weight (5'5" 129lbs) but according to the "waist to hip ratio" theory I need to lose weight in order to lessen my risk of heart disease. Any thoughts or tips on this?
  • First of all, you can eat too few calories and your body goes into starvation mode, You should always eat at least 1200. With the amount of exercise you are describing you probably want to be closer to 1500 a day. Second, check your net calories. Go for the goal it has set out for you. And last, if you are losing inches…
  • It can be done, but for more successful and long term weight loss, the recommendation is to lose between 1 and 2 pounds per week unless you are extremely overweight (by 50 pounds or more). So, I'd aim for 5-8 per month.
  • I've been in your same position. It's not easy. It is scary to think about gaining weight when your life has been consumed by trying to lose weight. But, know that it does get better. It's been 5 years for me since I got to a healthy weight after being too thin and I am just now becoming comfortable with my body and…
  • Has anyone tried those new "Slim Shots" that claim to help you eat up to 30% less?
  • I am SO jealous!
  • No running ALL WEEK!!!! :sad: Did core stuff this morning. Hopefully a swim later.
  • Skip work and play all day! Go skiing all day, then soak in a hot tub (if I had one). :laugh:
  • I want to run SO BAD!! It's tough forcing myself to not run! I even forgot I'm not letting myself run this week and began fantasizing about running tomorrow. :sad: Stupid ice! If only I had accepted that ride home two weeks ago and NOT slipped on the ice walking down the steep hill to my house. But, I was trying to enjoy…
  • No running today for me! :sad: My knee has been bothering me for a few days and this morning it really hurts. So, taking the day off. If I don't I can't start my marathon training next month. :sad:
  • I am jealous you're off to the gym! My knee started bothering me the other day and this morning it is killing me so I am taking the day off. I LOVE my morning workouts. They make my day go so much better but I know that if I am injured I need to heal... and FAST. I'm running another marathon in May so I need to start…
  • I've got several Favorite Yoga DVD: MTV Power Yoga because it is challenging but gives you a good stretch and when you finish you feel so energized. I like to do the first 20min before cardio to get me warmed up because it is faster paced and then the last 20-25 minutes after cardio because the last half is more focused on…
  • Okay. This recipe is for all you chocolate lovers out there. I made this recipe up and it is SO good. It has all kinds of health nutrients: iron, protein, Omega 3 fatty acids.... no refined sugar! makes 12 brownies Ingredients: 1 3/4 cups dried and pitted dates 1 cup all natural applesauce 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen are…
  • Can anyone help me in understanding how to interpret the "net calorie" report? I'm assuming the net calories means the calories I have consumed after calories burned during exercise. For example, if I ate 1500 calories and burned 500 during exercise that would mean a net of 1000?