Disappointing results

I have increased my activity and decreased my caloric intake to 1200-1250 calories a day and have not lost one pound. I started on 1/10/2009. Anyone else get off to a slow start


  • cherylclifford
    I have increased my activity and decreased my caloric intake to 1200-1250 calories a day and have not lost one pound. I started on 1/10/2009. Anyone else get off to a slow start
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    everyone is differnt it my take you longer, then others. what are you eating? how often are you eating
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    1) you're not eating enough
    2) it's only been a week so it's not a slow start... it took me almost 3 weeks to see my first drop in poundage.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Yup, as kerri said your not eating enough, especially if you upped your workouts, remember eat your exercise calories! Don't get down! :happy:

  • jazpiri
    jazpiri Posts: 114 Member
    First, are you eating enough? If you are only eating 1200 calories a day AND exercising your body is probably not properly fueled and is clinging to every calorie in an effort to not starve (I speak from experience). Second, how much weight do you need to lose? Are you already at a healthy weight? If you're already at a healthy weight and just trying to lose a few pounds it is more difficult because your body isn't sure what you're doing. If you are at a healthy weight it becomes even more important to eat enough calories. You should have a net caloric intake of no less 1200. That means at the end of the day, after eating and exercising, your net caloric report should say you consumed 1200 calories.
  • Istillgotit
    I know that when you do not eat enough your body goes into a "starvation mode" and it will store calories instead of burning them. It is an old way of survival for the body. Be Careful of cutting the calories. I had a slow week this week and only lost 1.5 pounds but that is because I also did not eat all my calories everyday and my body did not like that. It will come. Some weeks you can have big losses and then you may hit a bump. Don't let it get you down. Use it as motivation to push a little harder to show your body that you can reach your goals. Keep your chin up. Big results will come when you least expect it. Stick to the program and continue to move forward. Chin up!!!! Beth
  • turtle31
    turtle31 Posts: 151 Member
    Why are you changing things? I put in 30 minutes 6 days a week. i really work out an hour a day and I just enter the excercise and the food I've eaten. I've lost 3.6 pounds the my first week with MFP and 3.2 my second week. I'm eating more and excercising more. When I do the exercise and input it I know what I need to eat for the rest of the day. Try to eat more in the morning and midday then eat the rest of the calories at night. It is possible to get the food in. Take it from me, I;m a teacher and if I can find time to eat you can too. I do 30 min in the morning. Eat my breakfast at 8:30, lunch at 10:30 (first break) walk around my building for 30min (kids are at lunch and recess) then I eat popcorn or grapes at around 1:30 while i'm teaching or the kids or working, then I drink a Slim fast at around 3 or 4 then I eat a good dinner and snack when I get home. you can do it don't give up.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Cheryl!!! Don't give up!!!! The weight will drop - your body just takes time to adjust.

    I started back on this on Jan 1st, and have not dropped 1 stinkin pound! BUT my waist is down 1.5 " and I FEEL slimmer - the numbers will catch up.

    When I was losing my first thirty lbs, the weekly loses looked something like this: 5,2,0,1,2,0,0,3, etc...

    Some weeks I wanted to scream, and then other I was elated! It will happen if you keep at it.

    There really is no trick, and I know everyone talks about "starvation mode" but then I think about "The Biggest Loser" and the Dr. Berenstein diet - those people only eat 800 calories a day plus vitamin B injections and consistenlty lose 3-5 pounds per week for months on end....

    I would say eat the calories MFP suggets, keep up with the exercise, and the scale will eventually move!
  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    Patience grasshopper, patience.

    What are you in such a rush about- it could be worse, you could have gained.

    You can do it! Keep up the great work.
  • Squrtea
    Squrtea Posts: 20 Member
    I have been doing the 6 small meals every 2-3 hours and have gotten tremendous results. Also my 2 bigger meals are breakfast and at 4 pm. Just a small snack around 6. I dont know if you are doing this or not but it is worth trying. I actually plan my next day out. Having it scheduled keeps me on track. And as everyone said. Eat it up! Exercising takes fuel. ( I am 141 and eat a 1300 calorie diet give or take 50 as recommended in the workout program I am doing) I just joined myfitnespal yesterday. I have lost 20 pounds since 12/01/08.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • The_Crazy_Redhead
    it's been about a week for me and i've only lost 1lb. It probably does have something to do with how much your eating etc. I think my body is just still getting used to the changes :smile:
  • fiddlechic
    actually the women on biggest loser dont eat less than 1200 calories bc your body can hardly function on 800 calories and also expend a lot working out. they have doctors that run a number of tests and each participant gets his/her specific caloric recommendation.

    anyone will drop the weight on a diet of less than 1200 but who would stay on a diet so strict? you will become ravenous and failure isnt far behind.

    last week I was 209 pounds. i stayed between 1300-1400 calories all week, didnt workout for one second and lost 6 pounds this week. eventually I will start to add exercise but right now this is working for me and I dont feel hungry or deprived. THAT is something I can do long term. You need to find what will work for you on a daily basis...for life.

    you CAN do this, but be healthy:)
  • turtle31
    turtle31 Posts: 151 Member
    I really like that you said she needs to find what works for her. We are all different. Hey, I know about that 209. I used to be 212 down to 201 it took a minute. Thanks
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hi, and welcome, I am pretty new here only been on here since December 31, 2008. Good luck with you weight loss. don't give up you can do it.