justesje Member


  • I injured the knee over a year ago. I thought it would've healed by now. I did take the longest break for it to "appear" to heal. It was only when running I noticed it was a bit shaky. How have you been lcouterm? 1myfit, I will take up swimming as I need to get better at it anyway. :smile:
  • Thank you missy. You have been a huge support for me on here. I will try looking for a knee support and see what strengthening exercises I can find online. melgibson, do you think I should take a break after Wk 1 Day 3 of C25K?
  • I have the FT4 too, great idea. it is a huge difference but at least you will have the correct reading and don't think you've earned more calories through workout and overeat. you will love your HRM soon. trust me!
  • Thank you all so much. I was really down about it today so I am glad you guys have dispensed such great advice. I will incorporate some of them into my routine and see how that works. I will give you updates on what happens. Thanks again xoxo
  • So how do you answer the question below? Based on your life before you started working out or now that a workout daily. Work means I sit at a desk all day but I do between 30mins to 1hr of working out daily now. How would you describe your normal daily activities? Sedentary: Spend most of the day sitting (e.g. bank teller,…
  • Gembo82 do you include tea and coffee to water intake or just pure water. I am drinking 8 already now. should we increase that?
  • Thanks robin52077. I have readjusted it and now it is at 1450 a day. I didn't realise you needed to lower the weight loss figure to 1/2 to get higher calories. Thinking about it logically now, it makes sense. I have been suffering these awful headaches and unable to workout in the mornings so far this week and was…
  • You are not getting me, I think it should be higher than 1200 because for an activity level like mine, apparently you multiply BMR by 1.7. When I do that I get 2657.1. Read on a website that to lose weight you drop it by 500-1000 calories which still takes it to 1657.1. I have been eating way less than that and now I am…
  • Very wise words here. Thank you Funnydream. I am over 30 pounds off my goal weight and already "so-called friends" are telling me to stop exercising. "Why do you workout so much?" One person came outright and said "you will look a lot more prettier than me". Uhmmm, the fact is even at this weight I am pretty so in my…
  • I know the feeling, I have lots to lose and cycling calories but it just isn't coming off. Hit a plateau and it is ridiculous. Might quit exercising this week and see if that changes things. I really would like to know if someone knows why this is not working.
  • You look absolutely fabulous hun. Almost there!
  • Welcome to MFP. Good luck with the weight loss. Need any advice, I'm here to help. x
    in UK newbie Comment by justesje June 2010
  • Thank you my dears! Graze is great, I had to share it with you guys. Hope weight loss is coming along well.
  • My watch not grazing my wrist bone. Still on my way to my goal weight but lemme tell you, my wrist is hella boney at the moment. I am constantly taking my watch off so much so, I have now lost my really expensive one with no idea where I left it.
  • I have a code too F85B7CM. Enjoy MFP!
  • Hi Lisa. Welcome to MFP. I'm here for you as I am sure many will be too. I had the PCOS scare too a couple of years ago but it turned out to be nothing. I do get checked from time to time to make sure it doesn't manifest itself. You will enjoy the site, lots of encouraging individuals motivating you to get fitter and to…
  • Oh please, what do they know? You look fine to me. Keep up the good work :D
  • Brilliant idea. Well done on the weightloss. It should reflect all your work both on and off MFP. I logged onto MFPat end of March, didn't use for about 3wks came back and had lost 6 pounds. Not cheating at all.
  • Thanks for all the advice guys. I am going to the market to get a lot of fruit and fresh soup. I'm on the water thing now. Hopefully I will feel better soon. I will get on the exercise race again when I am fit and healthy again.
  • wicked. well done...u should book you a holiday to somewhere warm and show off the new you. i'm inspired now :D
  • I lasted only 2wks on Insanity. Too intense for me and I gained weight too. Doing Hip Hop Abs, got 3 days to go. I am doing Brazil Butt Lift next I think as I need a more toned derriere. I want a more active one too. Think I might do Turbo Jam too and then mix and match videos.
  • Don't be disheartened. I had the same problem. Are you eating the calories you burn through exercise? Try not to focus so much on the weight loss initially. If you have a scale that measures your Body Fat %, then that is better or take your measurements with a good old tape measure. If your clothes fit better then…
  • I am really proud of you. When I first started working out I put on weight too and my MFP family gave me some brilliant advice and I too am seeing the difference now, even on the scale too. So THANK YOU MFP peeps. Keep at it hun. Don't give up. Me and plenty others are here to encourage you. Remember to not just rely on…
  • Thanks guys. I am eating the calories gained through exercise and following MFP as closely as possible. I never quite use up all of them 'cause with the water intake and planning my meals so rigorously, I tend to have enough food in my belly by bedtime. I like the site so far. I think it is working. Even if the pounds…
  • @rschwa Thanks for your advice. I've stuck to the plan for two weeks now with not even a pound shifting. I began to alter my diet on Thursday after realising there was no change whatsoever. When I lost weight in the past, I'd lost at least 3/4 pounds by week two. I try to weigh myself fortnightly but I wanted to see if my…
    in HELP ME! Comment by justesje April 2010
  • @fabiolaenvy, I eat around 9 and sleep after midnight. I wake up at 5:30 again to workout I guess I'm not sleeping enough either. Thank you for your tip. Since I work 8:30 to 6:30 everyday, I guess I will need to take all my meals at work so I can digest my food properly. Thanks a lot. @Bleux, I will work on cutting down…
    in HELP ME! Comment by justesje April 2010