Crash789 Member


  • Name: crash789 Real name: Emily Current weight: 145 Goal weight: 135 Average water intake per day: LOTS! Average workout time per day: 60+ minutes, 4-5x a week Biggest weight insecurity: Thighs & lower abdomen Inspiration: Mexico Trip - leaving on 6/7/12
  • Thank you for the reminder. We all need it once in a while. :)
  • Looks delicious - can't wait to try!
  • Awesome! Thanks for posting!
  • All right.... I submitted my calories for the week, but I'm going to have to get really motivated to hit my goal... Was sick and missed working out for a couple days earlier this week and hadn't taken into account the holiday weekend as well, which always cuts into work out time. Okay, okay, enough excuses. MzMonica -…
  • I've often wondered - as my mind meanders during spin class - if it would be realistic to harness the energy from people on spin bikes, etc. Kind of like a human hamster ball! Good to know that I'm not totally crazy in thinking that it could work! Maybe they could take the amount of energy that I create and reduce the…
  • Like Bstamps said earlier, in my first tri (and only, so far), I wore a two piece racing suit and simply wore my non-tri shorts over those for the rest of the race. It worked for me. It was a sprint tri with a 440-yd swim, 14-mile bike, and 5k. I'm doing another tri in august that has an open-water swim and am planning on…
    in Tri Gear Comment by Crash789 June 2011
  • I'm a teacher and am loving having some extra time over the summer to get in some extra workouts and cook some healthier meals for the fam. I have a unique position in my school where I teach 1/2-time in the gifted program and 1/2-time as a school counselor. I love it!
    in Teachers Comment by Crash789 June 2011
  • I'll try it. My goal is 15,000.