

  • I'm in Nashville - Antioch/Priest Lake actually. :)
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey! I have found that using this site (and the app on my phone) to really, honestly track what I'm putting into my body keeps me accountable. I can walk past the candy bowl or the table with bagels knowing that if I give in, I'll have to write it down and see my totals go askew. On the…
    in Newbie Comment by PredsGal February 2012
  • Hi, I'm Tammy and I live in the Nashville area. I'm a huge Predator's fan, hockey mom, Cub Scout leader and work full time outside of the home. To say I have little time to take care of myself is a gross understatement. But I've found myself in the worst shape of my life and I have to do something about it. I joined the…
  • Hi there from a fellow Southerner! Congrats on getting started. I'm just getting started too. So far the encouragement and suggestions I've found here in just a few days has been great. Good luck to you. Feel free to send me a friend request if you like. Have a great day!
  • I rented the Zumba for the Wii this weekend, and man is it kicking my butt! I like it though. I might have to get the game for myself.
  • I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the tip!
  • Hi Rachelle, I'm Tj and I feel the same way. Good luck, I know it's hard to stick to a fitness program. I hope you find help and encouragement. May I ask what you are doing in addition to tying to eat healthier?