fizzanda Member


  • So I should keep eating at a deficite while lifting? I guess I'll just have to see what results I get from lifting and stop thinking about the # on the scale! Ty!
  • I get that all.the.time I know it's a compliment of sorts.... But why "for having for kids?" why not "you look good." I hate that people think that because I am smaller than them, I don't need to lose weight or I am healthy... Truth is we could both lose a little weight ;)
  • I am curious about this too!
  • Thank you! I think I will try that and see what happens. I started out at 135 so yes it's definitely exciting to see such a loss lol! My goal is around 120, but after reading all the info on here I'm not sure if I should get down that low or just worry about strength training and "tone up." One more question: the numbers…
  • Ok iifym calculator just gave me Calories-1487 Fat-51.6 Carbs-140.8 Protien- 114.8 I am nervous about changing it since I have been losing on what MFP gave me! I know I've seen the millions of threads that say "eat more to weigh less" but if the 1200 calories work does that still apply? I'm sorry to hijack I'm just so…
  • I too am 21 5'5" and weigh 129lbs! Calories-1200 Protien- 45g Carbs-165g Fat-40g That's probably all sorts of incorrect but it's what MFP gave me and I've lost 2-3lbs per week on it so far. Although looking at them compared to yours my protein seems really too low & carbs too high.
  • I counted it yesterday to get some extra food calories, but I ran up and down the stairs at least 20 times, so I underestimated the time and think I burned calories while doing it. I also ran to the bus stop and to the corner store across the street for insurance that I actually burned the extra calories.
  • I have 4 kiddos (6,7,3,2) and am 5'5" I'm currently 132 but would like to get down inbetween 115-120, the more ive read here the more it seems I need to do weight training more than anything to get to my goal.