knyholm Member


  • Thanks for the ideas! I especially like yours, cmriverside. Thrift stores would be a good place to get some "in between" clothes and they won't cost as much. I also like the idea of a day away from the house. I've been meaning to check out the cool vintage shops on Main St. in town, so this would be a perfect excuse to do…
  • Wow. 90 days, that's great! I agree with making changes in order to see your body change. I think using MFP while doing my 28 day challenge helped me stick to it. I didn't want to waste calories on soda and sweets!
    in 28 Days Comment by knyholm July 2011
  • I was surprised at how well I did sticking to it. A lot of my classmates cheated on their goals (or forgot about the assignment and cheated on accident!), but I never did. It helped me realize that I don't really NEED sweets or soda. Sure I crave them a lot, but I lived without them. I think this will help me in the future…
    in 28 Days Comment by knyholm July 2011
  • Can you go to their website and look up the nutrition information? Or maybe just search for a similar gelato shop. A lot of restaurants post their nutrition information now.
    in Gelato?? Comment by knyholm July 2011
  • I find it motivational. It helps me to see that I can still lose weight, even when I have a bad day (like today!) And I get excited when the number is lower than my goal for 5 weeks. ~Kristen P.S. I love your profile picture!
  • I agree! Have some fun! We all deserve a little break now and then. If we don't let ourselves induldge every once in a while, we will end up OVER-induldging later. Have a great birthday, eat and drink what you want, but know when to stop (i.e. don't eat until you feel overstuffed). Then, get back on track the next day!…
  • I do the iPod thing too. I find that the right song really gets me going. The first step is getting to the gym though. I have a workout buddy and we are accountable to each other, so we are committed to going. Is there someone you can go to the gym with?
  • Jerry Seinfeld's wife (Jessica) has a book called "Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food." I've been meaning to get it because I have trouble with veggies myself. She has a bunch of recipies with veggies hidden in them. Check it out:…