

  • I thought I was the only one who hid food! Sometimes when bingeing I'd hardly remember it, like a drunk at the booze. I hated eating in front of people and would never go out for a meal, yet I'd sneak off to the shop, buy some chocolate and eat it before anyone could see me. Then eat more and more. Then get really…
  • Kids are fatter these days and parents are softer. When I was a child, I ate what I was given, the same as adults. Whereas many parents these days cook different meals for their children, usually junk as the kids refuse to eat healthy food. Also, when I was a child, chocolate was a treat that I received on special…
  • Sorry, but I find this to be rubbish. If it was as simple as that, there would be barely any fat people in the world. An emotional eater wants to eat bad food. I've tried snacking on healthy foods as a substitute and at one time ate so many carrots I turned a wierd shade of yellow - no joke. It works for a while, but…
  • If you can afford it, get some therapy. I went to a hypnotist a few years ago to help lose weight. She said that she could put suggestions into my head to lose a bit of weight but it would only be temporary and really what I needed to do was get to the crux of the problem, to have therapy. And there was no simple solution…