

  • Live in England, have visited Scotland, Wales, Irteland (all gorgeous). Also visited Frence Germany (best country in Europe) Spain Portugal Greece Italy Holland Luxembourg Belgium Cyprus Thailand Malaysia Singapore China Austalia New Zealand Fiji USA (New York, Vegas, California) Would like to visit South America - Brazil,…
  • Hi and welcome to MFP!! Congrats on the first step. add yourself lots of friends and take encouragement from them (everyone of my MFP Friends seem v nice). I have added you as a friend and look forward to hearing more from you about your progress. Good Luck!!!!!
  • Hi Laura I am in a very similar position to you - work in an office, am up and down with the gym (sometimes I love it, then I hate it). I had a few PT sessions at the gym, during which they tailored a programme for me to follow. Every couple or 3 months I have another PT session and do a new programme - it keeps it…
  • O No, sorry to hear that! What happened?? How long do you think you will be out of action for?? Have you got a specific goal in mind eg. a holiday or a special occasion?? it sometimes help to have something to focus on. I find setting small but frequent goals works best! Hope this little note helps. N
  • Hi :-) I have been a member for a little while but not used the site properly. I am tall too (179cm)..... My goals differ slightly as they are based on fitness, but I am always in need of encourangement and happy to provide it :-)