

  • Those big chocolate chip cookies from the Ingle's bakery filled with an abundance of lovely colorful frosting. Also, as for the peanut butter & jelly thing, I make this when I'm in the mood for that: a 100 calorie Arnold's sandwich thin, 1 tbsp of Maranatha dark chocolate almond butter, and 1 tbsp Polaner cherry all-fruit…
  • A few of mine have significant meaning, which I think can make them more special, but really I just look at it like this. A person with tattoos is just someone with an art appreciation....only they display it on their skin instead of walls.
  • I'm 5'10" and the lowest weight in my adult life has been 229 so far. To be honest, I was pretty happy with that, but I'm aiming for 200 this time. I've never had a desire to be skinny...just a little less puffy, lol.
  • Those are beautiful!! I have 6, but only one picture which I can't quite figure out how to post. My first two were matching broken hearts with bat wings on my wrists which was just a cool looking doodle I did when I was 18 and figured why not get it tattooed on me, lol. 3rd is a bird with a heart under it's wing on my…
  • I'll admit, for the past year I've been slack with dieting and gained back quite a many pounds...but the first year and a half I had 2 "cheat days" a week, my weekends, where I indulged in beer, cookies, burritos, terrible terrible, yet tasty things. I still managed to keep it perfect during the week and in that dropped…
  • Lol, yeah....before they changed the dress code at my job, I would wear my MSI shirts all the time and got that question a whole lot. Anyways, to answer your original question, I'm into a lot of music really. I can listen to just about anything other than country and some rap. I do enjoy Lil Wayne every now and then.…
  • I get in MSI phases every now and then myself. Tight & Frankenstein Girls......oh yes.
  • Congratulations! Drinking is the bad habit I've given up most recently. I'd say one night out a month may not be so bad. Just don't turn it in to twice a month, once a week, a couple times a week, you get my point. I'd say it's about like how I started limiting my food. Just start out slow and work from there. It all gets…