

  • About the eating your exercise calories. . .no matter how many calories I burn, I still stick to eating 1200-1400 calories. My friend is a trainer and that is what she suggests. . .it's working! If I feel hungry at night, I keep South Beach Protein and Zone Protein bars handy and I drink a tall glass of water. Then I brush…
  • When I am feeling the urge to binge. . .I brush my teeth and snuggle in bed with a good book. . .or I might take a relaxing bath. I used to eat a protein bar or sugar-free jello at night, but now I am not eating after 7:30/8:00. It's hard to change habits, but you will feel better. Just say 'no' and shut those pantry…
  • I've started the 10 minute trainer DVDs. . .and I run 5 days a week. . .but I keep eating like a pig. I don't know what my problem is. I eat healthy meals. . .but then I snack on random junk all day (when no one is looking of course!). I weigh about 130. . .I was 120 in May! Yikes. Anyone else need accountability? Anyways…