Bedtime Binge eating!

I need help!! I can't seem to stop the binge eating at night. I have been working out 5-6 days a week for the past 6 weeks, combining cardio with strength training, but I cannot seem to stop myself from eating at night. I start to crave chocolate or cookies or anything sweet. I have worked out soooo hard for so long and the scale has not budged!! Does anyone out there have any tips to stop the cravings that come at night? It seems as soon as I start to get sleepy, that is when I get the cravings!!!


  • aladuke26
    aladuke26 Posts: 37 Member
    I need help!! I can't seem to stop the binge eating at night. I have been working out 5-6 days a week for the past 6 weeks, combining cardio with strength training, but I cannot seem to stop myself from eating at night. I start to crave chocolate or cookies or anything sweet. I have worked out soooo hard for so long and the scale has not budged!! Does anyone out there have any tips to stop the cravings that come at night? It seems as soon as I start to get sleepy, that is when I get the cravings!!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    bump for later:flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    bump for later:flowerforyou:

    Whew, someone who wants to answer later!! I have to comment to put in my own recent topics so I can come back and read the advice. I am a bedtime binger too. :embarassed:
  • krystalmoore1986
    krystalmoore1986 Posts: 216 Member
    I do the same thing except I dont crave sweets I crave salty and protien like chips or packs of lunch meat. The only way I have found to solve it is to drink hot tea or drink three or four cups of water at once so my stomach is full then go to bed. I find myself irrationally worrying about being hungry in the middle of the night. The only time that actually happens is when i eat before bed though. I hope someone has some better advice for you.:flowerforyou:
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I'm a big binger too! And I eat way more if we don't have what I'm craving.

    Do you drink alcohol? If so, what? I notice my cravings change with the type of alcohol I drink. I want something spicey or uber greasy when I drink beer. With wine, I want sweet things. And my captain and sodas bring on all of the above!!!

    Right now, to remedy the binging, I'm trying to cut waaaay back on the alcohol. I hope it works!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I also have this recurring problem. Here are a couple of things that have worked for me:

    Make sure to eat all your calories and eat well at breakfast and lunch. When I eat too lightly during the day I might not even realize that I am hungry, but it translates to nightime binge eating.

    This is often triggered by stress and will go in waves. I won't have a problem for several weeks and then every night I find myself at midnight with my fanny sticking out of the fridge. I can break that cycle by taking 1 tylenol PM about 7 in the evening, one pill doesn't even make me drowsy, but it takes the edge off the nightime demon that keeps me snacking.

    Good luck.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Right before bed is usually when I have a big glass of silk. Its not really bad for you, but it gives you the chocolate taste - and I'll be damned if it doesn't take like chocolate milk. Only 140 calories for a cup.
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Right before bed is usually when I have a big glass of silk. Its not really bad for you, but it gives you the chocolate taste - and I'll be damned if it doesn't take like chocolate milk. Only 140 calories for a cup.

    They make low fat chocolate milk too....hmmmmmmm......I may try that....
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,138 Member
    Great post!

    (This is a question for Songbyrd! ) I remember one time her discussing eating something that is protein-high before bed. She said she eats cottage cheese. I tried that, and it was helpful. If the craving is for something sweet, I add some fresh fruit to it.

    I also find that if I work out at 6:30-9:00 (not the whole time - but in that time frame) that I have less appetite afterward. If I work out too late, though, I can't get to sleep: so it is a fine-tuning experiment for each of us.

    Eating every 3-4 hours helps keep your metabolism steadily working, too. If you stay up longer than three hours after eating, you will want to eat, so again, timing is everything.

    Night binging is my downfall as well. I know a lot of people struggle with this, so I hope this thread gets some good input.

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    I am usually able to control myself, but this past weekend I failed miserably! I will be lucky if I maintain this week!

    Eating all my calories pb before bed or other things don't help me. I am not eating because I am hungry. It is stress. What are some good way to combat stress or break the stress eating?

  • lisarae
    lisarae Posts: 113
    I tend to eat a lot of calories a few hours before bedtime. I "save" them for nighttime, so it's within my calorie limit, but probably should be spread out better. Brushing my teeth by 8:00 is the only thing that works for me. After 8, the fridge is closed.
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Another night time problem is beer. I drink beer then want something salty like chips! If I don't drink beer, the cravings aren't too bad. Usually after about 3 nights of no beer I can kick the cravings/munchy habit...problem is I REALLY like beer. I go for weeks without it, lose weight, start drinking it again, get the munchies again and start the cycle all over!:drinker:
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I am usually able to control myself, but this past weekend I failed miserably! I will be lucky if I maintain this week!

    Eating all my calories pb before bed or other things don't help me. I am not eating because I am hungry. It is stress. What are some good way to combat stress or break the stress eating?


    The best advice I have ever received is "write it out". If you write out the stress (or talk it out) you're less likely to harbour the stress and turn it into something else.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,138 Member
    I need help!! I can't seem to stop the binge eating at night. I have been working out 5-6 days a week for the past 6 weeks, combining cardio with strength training, but I cannot seem to stop myself from eating at night. I start to crave chocolate or cookies or anything sweet. I have worked out soooo hard for so long and the scale has not budged!! Does anyone out there have any tips to stop the cravings that come at night? It seems as soon as I start to get sleepy, that is when I get the cravings!!!

    Are you eating enough - and 5-6 times a day??

  • saito
    When I am feeling the urge to binge. . .I brush my teeth and snuggle in bed with a good book. . .or I might take a relaxing bath. I used to eat a protein bar or sugar-free jello at night, but now I am not eating after 7:30/8:00. It's hard to change habits, but you will feel better. Just say 'no' and shut those pantry doors! You can do it! :)
  • aladuke26
    aladuke26 Posts: 37 Member
    I am trying to eat 1200 calories, but if I work out and burn say 500 calories, I will eat those. Should I be eating those extra calories? Usually breakfast is a whole wheat english muffin with pb, and I also drink decaf coffee with sugar free coffee creamer. A lot of my calories in the morning are from all of the coffee creamer I use! Lunch and dinner are usually pretty good; Lunch a tuna fish sandwich and dinner maybe grilled chicken or chicken shish-ka-bobs or chicken stir fry. The binging starts around 9pm or 10pm. I just want to raid the fridge, part of me feels like it is out of boredom. I don't know though.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Yes, if you're burning 500 calories you eat those as well. Otherwise you'd be at 700 total for the day, and that'd put your body in starvation mode.
  • aladuke26
    aladuke26 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks. I think I really need to try something different. I find myself watching tv at night, and as soon as my husband falls asleep on the couch, I raid the fridge! Maybe if I read in bed, that might help.
  • aladuke26
    aladuke26 Posts: 37 Member
    But it just seems like I am not going to lose weight if I eat those extra calories. I mean once I stop the binge eating at night!!:ohwell: