i usually go about 300 to 350 miles on a pair of shoes. long runs start to bother my knees a little and as soon as i get new shoes the knee pain is gone. also my chiropractor when i was growing up told me not matter how cute and how clean my tennis shoes were after a year they are shot, throw them away, period.
i have used Chalean Extreme with awesome results. it is a three month program, and after i finished i lost 10 lbs and lost 6.25". i like using the dvd's because i just don't have the time to do the homework and get a good program together for myself. i just pop in the dvd and Chalene tells me what to do. : )
bump, love these!
i have been focusing on strength training for just over 3 months now and i lost an additional 8 lbs but went from a size 12 to a 10. i enjoy weight training and plan on running my first half marathon in the spring. I am excited to see what changes will happen to my body next! you are so right the number on the scale does…
when i started my journey i was obese. i have to ask my doctor what my heaviest weight was, it is something i didn't want to accept at the time and i frankly don't remember. but my best guess is at least 220. i started with turbo jam. i don't consider that high intensity anymore but i sure did back then! i think the best…
i always eat breakfast because i workout first thing when i get up and i want to get some protein in my system, and i am hungry! but i just read on that sumo wrestler's skip breakfast and eat late to increase their fat...... i think i will stick to eating breakfast and having a light dinner! lol
i totally agree, do what you love. and try new things!!! got cut off by my fat fingers.....:wink:
it ultimately is calories in and calories burned. BUT you have to eat healthy to achieve some of the results you see. Not until I stopped eating sugar, processed foods and salt did i start to see results in my muscle tone. I weigh 157 and wear a size 10 and about 10 years ago i was down to 145 and wore a size 14 and had to…
knee pads for all those tiny little pebbles you will be kneeling on.....OUCH!!!! there is no way i will forget that next time!!!
I think i had an easy transition to running because of doing TurboFire before i started running and that REALLY is a good cardiovascular workout. You are trying something new and using different muscles and there is impact on your joints. Make sure you have good shoes!!! But give it a chance and see if you like it. If…
i love it, BUT it has died on me twice. I seem to sweat too much. i like to wear it on my long runs. it will show you how many flights of stairs you have climbed. but it gets to moist or wet from my sweat and stops working.....the last time i had it on the outside of my tank top, attached on the strap. waistband got too…
is there any other kind!!!!!!! :heart:
has anyone actually tried one????? i wish oreos came in single serving size!!!!!
i needed some ideas too. bought some and not sure what to do with them,
bump! these all sound wonderful!!! i usually buy paul neuwmans light balsamic vinaigrette. i might have to try these!!!! how long do they last in the fridge? remember too peeps that you need GOOD fat!!! nothing wrong with good fat in salad dressings :smile:
i would imagine that your muscles have atrophied quite a bit during your recovery. if you were very active and worked out a lot before it is going to take you a while to build that muscle back up to where you once were. and you are right our bodies retain that water after a hard work out to repair and protect. i know the…
always looking for friends my age that have a positive and humorous outlook on life and fitness! : )
I have lost 50 lbs doing a combination of turbo jam, turbo fire and chalean extreme. LOVE Chalene's programs! I look forward to them everyday!!!
i started running in January this year with 38D. I have ran a 5K, the dirty girl mud run and plan on a 1/2 marathon in fall. My knee's were always making horrible noises, painful and giving out on me occasionally. Now they are strong, don't make noises and aren't painful anymore. Unfortunately my 38D is now 38C and i am…
I was at a friends house last night and her husband is a runner and I talked to him about my issue. He thought it is my IT band. Sooooo today before my run I stretched my out my IT bands very, very good before I got to the park then did my usual stretches. I am happy to say that I ran 10.5 miles today with NO ISSUES!!! I…
sugar is the hardest for me!!! i cut it gradually. I use stevia now and eat a lot of fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth. it took time to enjoy fruit as much as a candy bar but it does work for me now! i also have at least one protein shake a day which is a strawberry shake. I do have an ounce of dark chocolate a day. Why I…
I just read this and I love it: You can lead a human to education, you can not make him think. Those are the friends I let go of.
the best laugh of the day....thanks!!!!! cause i am sure not gonna try it.......
Awesome!!! love your hair cut too!
nice link, thank you!
it is along side of my left leg. it is like my calf muscle and my hamstring tighten and when my foot strikes the road it hurts. sometimes it will go away after a minute or two and sometimes i have to stop and stretch.... and it usually happens around the 6 or 7 mile mark. I run a 10 minute mile for my 5K and i usually keep…