Dara80 Member


  • You are doing great! Don't be nervous, after 3 children, we all have a little apprehension about our bodies. I just figure I got this body creating 3 human beings so it was worth it!
  • Doesn't matter. Seriously. I am 5'9" and I look like an amazon woman next to my female peers. Seriously, I am bigger than all the females and even the guys at work. The way I see it, this is me. Being a healthy weight is more important than what your bone structure is. Although if you've always been bigger than most…
  • I loved this post! I like the idea of really looking at what got us here...So here's mine: I have had 3 children. 2000, 2003, and 2009. I lost all but 20 pounds of my preggo weight from the first baby, didn't gain any with #2, and walked out of the hospital with my youngest having given birth to a 9.9 pound baby yet only…
  • Great job! It sounds like you put in a lot of hard work in 2011. I always love hearing about our triumphs!
  • I know it's hard to wait but I would definatly recommend it. I made the mistake of thinking I could get pregnant at 180 pounds and ended up with preeclampsia that ended in an emergency csection. Then I got really smart and got pregnant again at 232 pounds. I got to spend the entire pregnancy being monitored for…
  • I always wait to weigh in until I've been up for a few hours. I always do it before I eat but I try to be up for a while beforehand. I don't know what it is, but I always weigh more first thing in the morning. In my mind, I've imagined that it's because I have a bunch of fluid stored in my muscle tissue and when I get them…
  • I don't find it difficult because we all hit our "done" point at different times. My personal done point was when I hit a year post partum and still had my pregnancy weight. I have never kept pregnancy weight past a couple of months and I realized that I was allowing personal tragedies to dictate my weight. I won't go into…
  • When I was pregnant with my 14 month old, I kicked up with gestational diabetes. Since chocolate was a no no I thought I was being real smart by getting the diabetic/sugar free chocolate. I bought a bunch of it and ended up sitting on the couch munching on it, only to realize I had eaten like 5 packages, or 10 of the…
  • There are a few things to consider in your case. For starters, you just had a little one. When I had my oldest son I walked out of the hospital weighing 260 pounds. 3 months later I weighed 180 and that was with no dieting or exercising whatsoever. Just breastfeeding and being me. I did the same thing with my other two…
  • Ha Ha! Love it! Hubby always thinks I don't feel temperature because I only wear jeans in the summer. Finally last summer I let him know that the reason I don't wear shorts is because my butt and thighs have a habit of eatting them! He laughed but I don't think he realized that my weight was the reason I don't do shorts.…
  • You look absolutely amazing! Although I would like to point out, even with the extra weight on you, you were still a beautiful woman. Losing the weight just made the beautiful woman a healthy woman!
  • I don't know...if you get him in the right spot, he's either going to be sterile or at bare minimum, remember the day he lost his mind and called a lady fat...=-)
  • I know this horrible but I don't even bother with my sugar quota. I put all my food in the tracker in the morning and stick with it. I do try to make sure that I get my daily percentages but I don't worry about going over. I have yet to have a week where I didn't lose...well at least a week where I was well behaved and…
  • I steer totally clear of diet pills and the reason being, we are designed to regulate our own weight. All the extra chemicals and whatnot are more likely to cause bigger problems that the desired result. However, if it works for you, then go for it. But keep in mind that you need to really take heed of any side effects.…
  • I totally understand where you're coming from. I found out on Thursday, which of course was my birthday, that my beloved aunt had died of congestive heart failure. I was already on the diet, but i have to admit, it definatly kicked my *kitten* into high gear. I don't wanna end up that way.
  • Know my husband still adores me if I'm 150 pounds or 250 pounds. I don't care to get up to 300 to see what he thinks at that point.... My children....everything about them makes my life worth it.