

  • I would find a trainer or do a workout program (I do ChaLEAN Extreme) you can do a short workout 30-40 min, but have some guidance of what you should be doing and how long to do it. This doesn't happen because you simply want it to happen, you have to do the work too, it's sucky but true! Good Luck!
  • I am finding all of this so interesting. Crazy how womens frames are so different. I am 28, 6'0 and about 175, I am an 8/10. My goal weight is between 165-170 for me this is a doable weight that will also allow me to live the life I know I live, sometimes crazy busy and a love of good food an wine/beer. For me, its not so…
  • Exactly, I feel the same way. I absolutely love the feeling of a good workout but also love the finer things in life (good food and good wine) I am 28 so my body doesn't respond to the great exercise and mostly great eating like it use to!
  • I am 28 soon to be 29 and getting married. I am also great during the week but the weekends are killer. We tailgate, eat out and have a lot and have dinner parties with all sorts of yummy food and drinks. I am about 10 lbs away as well and am trying to get back the motivation to get it all off....why the wedding isn't…
  • Agreed! Everyone is different, the BMI which is just a rough guess says that a healthy weight for me 28 yrs and 6'0 is 148-184 so for me I am happy with my body and in an 8-10 jeans at 165-170, with that being said, I do have a pretty athletic build from years and years of sports.
  • Finding a gym buddy helps a ton. I know how hard it can be when you go to college in a cold state. I went to the University of Minnesota so I know how hard it can be hard to get motivation to workout in -30 degree weather. If you have someone who is counting on you to go and can keep you accountable it helps a ton. Also,…
  • I know what you mean. I am just abou there for the weight I want to lose but am not as toned as I would like and it is definitely hard when people keep telling you that you should stop. In some ways it is good to know you have pople in your life looking out for you (in case we get out of control obsessed) but it is also…
  • I have also found that even if I eat great and exercise that alcohol can totally negate all that work. I am not sure if my body retains it differently but I also will welcome a no loss day in the name of a good glass of wine or martini. I have done spurts where I cut out alcohol completely and it has made weight loss much…
    in Alcohol Comment by StacySwi October 2013
  • Thank you, I have also been struggling the past few weeks and tend to be very hard on myself! I use to be a Weight Watchers leader so my brain says, I know what I would tell my class but why can't I do it myself. Sometimes I just need to remember to breathe!
  • I am a 6 footer too. I am currently struggling with motivation. I am so close to my goal and dropping the weight becomes harder and harder. I also think that being so tall, it is hard to see where it is coming off because there is so much of me! That and everyone says, oh you don't need to lose weight you are so tall you…
  • I have had that same thing happen. Actually, I am post vacation and it is happening right now. I have decided to change up my workouts for a week and then remember how amazing it felt to be where I was a few weeks ago and not how crummy it is to feel blah now. I have also found that writing down goals and why you are doing…