Wanna tone-up, but how!?

Hello folks,

I'm writing here for the very first time, and hopefully I won't sound stupid!

I'm a 25-year-old girl, 5"7', 120 lbs, from India, and have a really weird body shape (or so I think!). I'm a size 8-10 BUT I have obliques (love handles) wider/bigger than my hips, so it kinda looks really odd when I wear denims. It looks like my stomach is falling out of the sides! Somewhat like the muffin-top. Or a pear that has been tied at the middle; I can't even explain it properly :(

Now, I don't really have time for a gym, I eat like the world is ending, and hardly exercise.

How do I get started! :( please help!


  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I think that only way to lose that muffin top .. is really the same as with anyone else. It involves losing body fat .. so really eating at a calorie deficit is probably the answer for you. Getting some exercise probably wouldn't hurt you as well .. a good idea for anyone in my opinion.

    I am sure some experts will comment on your situation .. but I think that is probably the answer for you.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    lift weights

    eat protein

  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Stop eating like the world is ending and start exercising, particularly strength training if you want to decrease body fat % rather than overall weight.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    "toning" is simply cutting body fat so that your muscle shows through. So eat at a deficit, strength train to retain LBM.....that's all.
  • StacySwi
    I would find a trainer or do a workout program (I do ChaLEAN Extreme) you can do a short workout 30-40 min, but have some guidance of what you should be doing and how long to do it. This doesn't happen because you simply want it to happen, you have to do the work too, it's sucky but true! Good Luck!
  • Thanks guys!

    ​For now I have started with simple exercises that I can do in the morning before work, am in the process of finding a gym/trainer nearby, and I walk almost half a mile to work, and back (so around 1 mile a day).

    Thank you for your replies!​