

  • when I go out with family or friends that I KNOW will make me uncomfortable or start the binge cycle, i wear a piece jewlery that I can play with and focus on instead of food. I also chew on gum. When I am at home, I read or do a mindless activity until the urge is gone. My favorite book that my therapist made me read was…
  • Miss AI965, Thanks for responding to my post! I really thought I was doing something wrong when I was trying to find the blogs,..... I believe you are correct, we will have to set our own goals. I am going to try and decide on my new one for the next week and post it tomorrow. Congrats on your exercise--I don't like…
  • Hi there NYE Challangers! Sorry I haven't checked in this week. I had been lazy and just logged in my meals today. After seeing the calorie totals, I am going back to after each meal via Motorola. I, too, have been giving in to the evening snack attack. I attempted to buy single serving cheese itz, and Kind granola bars. I…
  • Miss ai965, Our first weigh was suppose to be 8/1/11 and again 8/15/11. I am still a little, okay a lot, lost on our challenge rules and challenges since I have not been able to access them on Lelliebugh's page. I'm still new to this part of MFP page. I haven seen any recent posts, so perhaps she is on vacation... On the…
  • Um, that was for Erzelle and her goal of burning 10,000 calories this month..
  • you go girl i have faith in you! I can not comprehend that large of a number.
  • Hi everyone, Happy August 2nd! I wanted to check in and say Hi! and see how everyone is doing in their neck of the woods so to speak. A miracle has happened and I have been able to drink 2 glasses of water for the last two days (I do not drink water, I dislike water. In a past life I must have been British, I drink tea all…
  • Hi Meg, Thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it. I tried to reply, but my computer went wacky~ I guess I should introduce myself first. I am aged 40+ and restarting my life. My first priority is to get my spiritual life in order and am actively working on that. My second priority is my weight. As a result of years…
  • HAPPY TUESDAY EVENING!! Please bear with me, i am new to the message board/challenge part of MFP. I will need clarification on a few things. I noticed several members have a list of numbers that appear to be weights and dates as a signature on their posts. What are they? Also, how do I access a the blog to obtain the…
  • yeah!! for the first time in my life i am not too late for something :)
  • Hi there...My name is Marian may I join your challange? I was looking for a group to join and yours sounds like something that i would fit in. Your group sounds like a new beginning that I would like to have?
  • thank you EVERYONE who responded so quickly for answering my questions and for letting me know that even thought today was so crappy at work, it really is TUESDAY, not MONDAY!!! :embarassed: