Stopping Binge Eating.

star_char Posts: 3
This post is not promoting binge eating, but helping those who suffer with the disorder to recover.

I'll tell you about times when I suffer, and how I (try) to cope, and you tell me yours! I really do struggle to keep them under control, but sometimes I can.

I have major problems whenever my family goes out without me. I wanted to get some college work done, but I just want to binge eat! I can literally SMELL the bread in the bread bin and those yummy muffins in the box on the kitchen counter. I can almost TASTE the flour and sugar combo that I love to chow down on during a binge. I don't want to do it, but my brain is telling me to.

Willpower and self motivational talk is what I am using at the moment. As I still live with my family, I can't rid the house of my trigger foods, because they want them, but I can try to talk myself out of a moment. I try saying to myself "what will you get out of this?" and "think of all the hard work that will be lost when you do this to yourself" and "this is punishing your body, why do it?".

How do you cope?


  • i dont cope and thats the issue :(
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I used to have a horrible problem, now it's a smaller one. I am an emotional and boredom eater. I try to occup myself with other things, drink lots of water, or reach for something healthy. It's hard! I've given in many times, but it takes lots of willpower. If I can, I'll leave the house, workout,or stay awayyyy from the kitchen and look up how bad the calorie info is.
  • This is something I am TERRIBLE for! It's all boredom eating and there are times when (as disgusting as it is) on an evening, I've had to go to bed to physically move myself away from the kitchen! I would literally eat anything just because I was bored and I'd stop and think.... God that's gross!

    I've just been doing the same as you've mentioned, I'll force myself to take my mind of it and do something a bit more productive, like pottering around the house (which, has never been so clean lol) or a small amount of exercise.... Anything to take my mind of it.

    It's all about will power I suppose....
  • evafury
    evafury Posts: 15 Member
    I've suffered from binge eating much of my life and within the last year finally started seeing an ED therapist. She recommended I read two books, both of which are AMAZING and totally worth reading. They are:
    There Is Nothing Wrong With You by Cheri Huber
    Breaking Free from Emotional Eating by Geneen Roth

    The second (obviously) focuses a lot on the reasons we eat emotionally and how to stop that cycle. The first one is really delving more into the behaviors that cause many of us to feel self-hate and then express that through eating. It isn't specifically a book about compulsive eating, but it is something that I found so moving and wonderful to read that I think everyone can benefit from. I think you an read some of them on Amazon if you're interested.

    Sadly, I'm finding there's no magic bullet to fixing this behavior, and it is so hard to lose weight the healthy way and in a way that doesn't make me feel deprived (especially since this summer has been extremely stressful). I try to keep going back to those books though and that helps me keep going a bit. Hope they help!
  • its getting to the point of every evening for me now! the past two nights i have binged urghh.. on chocolate! i just cant get enough of the stuff in the evening! i dont buy it or buy any rubbish really... my cupboards are fridge are all healthy! but when i NEED this choc the husband runs to the shop for me..... its not good! feels good at the time but then feel so let down! espesh after being good all day! :(
  • i had to change up my my friends, i dumped my disfunctional boyfriend, started to look inward instead of outward to change. so that now when i buy those choc chip cookies or those cheddar cheese lays chips (my absolute favs) for my 2 kids to enjoy from time to time, i now dont devour the bag. it has taken me about a year to realize what worked for me. its def not easy, but u can do it!!
  • fh1951
    fh1951 Posts: 440 Member
    I've found that accurately measuring and recording everything I consume, at the time I consume it, helps me keep those impulses dramatically under control. I have a burning desire to reach my goals, so when I get immediate feedback (from MFP) every time I consume something, it keeps my eating behavior and goals in synch. I have a mobile device with me at all times, so I'm always able to record my eating behavior at the time it occurs. Perhaps I've substituted one compulsive behavior for another?

    I occasionally succumb to a craving that I just can't control, but not often; I get immediate negative feedback from my MFP diary, and it's strong enough to jar me back into the behavior I need to emulate to achieve my goals...
  • when I go out with family or friends that I KNOW will make me uncomfortable or start the binge cycle, i wear a piece jewlery that I can play with and focus on instead of food. I also chew on gum.

    When I am at home, I read or do a mindless activity until the urge is gone.

    My favorite book that my therapist made me read was called "Life with ED" by Jenni Schaefer. It was a very easy read, and helped a lot. It put my eating disorder (ED) in a new perspective. Try to find a favorite quote or scripture to say when the urge to binge comes. Just keep repeating it over and over until the urge passes. It works also.

    I have faith in you. keep us updated on your progress,
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