

  • I've tried a few... and I have hated the fruity ones (including the cheesecake, white chocolate. etc). They tasted artifically sweetened and aspatamey. The cookie dough one is the only one I can stand to eat out of the wrapper, ana I found eating it warmed in the microwave for 10 seconds was amazing. I baked a double…
  • I DID IT!! I ended up running the 10K and ran it in 66:15! SO HAPPY, thats an 11min mile average!! I(I walked some, and ran some! Was in the Military wave)! I never ever thought I'd do it, but I did! :D There was so much humor along the way I couldn't help laughing,... and when I ran into the CU stadium I choked up! hah! I…
  • I've thought about it, but after a car accident 2 months ago I don't think a 10K is in my range yet... a 5K maybe!
  • I agree! Chobani or Fage are the two I always get, and they rock!