

  • Hello, I'm from Cardiff :) It's nice to find some other Welsh people on here!
  • Yes!!! I've lost about 26lbs and I've only gone down one dress size. But as somebody has already mentioned, the plus side is that you can put on more weight before anyone notices either :) I put on 3 stone between the ages of 17 and 20 but I was only 2 dress sizes bigger.
  • I've had the myfitnesspal iPhone app for nearly a year but looking at the website and community bits for the first time today and looking for friends to help keep me motivated :)
  • I have a similar problem - start at about 9am and don't get home at night until about 9:45pm so I don't end up eating until about 10:30 which isn't ideal. I've tried to make sure I have a good breakfast (swapping milk and cereal for greek yoghurt honey and cereal to get a little more protein) and I've switched my meals…
  • Hi, I'm a Mathematics student in Wales, UK - in my final year so everything is so hectic! Weekdays are pretty much 9am-9:30pm every day, so I'm finding it so hard to fit exercise in. Managing to keep my meals reasonably healthy, but want to crack down on my snacking (i.e. my daily chocolate bar!) and reduce the amount of…
  • Hello, I'm a Maths student in my final year at Cardiff - finding it so hard balancing all my degree stuff and staying healthy! Been on here a while but never used the forums and I'm looking for some friends so help keep me motivated :)
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