SuzieQT Member


  • We're not gonna want to choke you! We were all new once and some of these concepts aren't that easy to grasp! Just keep on asking when you have questions!
  • You can change your intake calories by updating your goals. Just click on My Home and then Goals up at the top. However you do NOT want to be eating under 1200 calories even with exercise. In fact MFP will not set you up for anything below 1200. (I'm not sure if you can manually enter anything less on the goals page or…
  • This is my exact situation. My job is so boring I feel like my brain may leak out my ears before I get to go home! And with it being as cold as it is I really wanted to just cuddle up to my bf and stay in bed this morning. Gotta have that paycheck though no matter how tiny it may be.
  • So here's a definition of BMR. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment, in the post-absorptive state (meaning that the digestive system is inactive, which requires about twelve hours of fasting in humans). The release of energy in this state is…
  • I'm definitely retaining something lol no BM for four days now - since I got back on track. (I know its horrible.) And I do feel quite bloated. Hopefully my body will get itself worked out soon. If not I feel I might swell up like a balloon and pop! :laugh:
  • I agree with allaboutme. Blame it on the scales and TOM. Its highly unlikely that you gained five pounds of fat in two weeks anyway. My guess is that some is lean muscle mass and the rest is water retention. From your post you're definitely on the right track, so, don't sweat the scales too much and just keep on doing it!…
  • Today I crossed paths with my first weight gain since starting MFP. It was so disappointing to see that I had gained 1.5 lbs this week. Seems like a lot to gain in a week though? Last week I was sick and miserable and could hardly eat 1200 calories a day. But I kept pushing myself to at least drink some juice or milk to…
  • If you haven't read this post yet, it might help. There's lots of suggestions on what to do to help with plateaus. What worked for me personally was taking a day off. I just took one day and ate whatever I wanted to and didn't even…
  • No, I'm not absolutely avoiding them I have one when i need one. I was just astounded by the fact that there were 15 calories in one. I chew gum a lot and for the kind I chew 2 pieces has less than 5 calories. I figured a cough drop would be about the same. I was just shocked to see how wrong I was. I could have 6 pieces…
  • I searched through the posts and found your two posts here are the links... You can get to any of the…
    in HELP Comment by SuzieQT November 2008
  • This is one of the many very helpful posts by banks about plateaus just in case you couldn't find it with the search! Hope it helps! :flowerforyou:
  • FIFTEEN. :noway: I could not believe it, but sure enough written right there on the label was "15 calories per drop." I'm in shock.
  • No I didn't make it. Unfortunately I'm not that crafty. I ordered it from It was pretty much the only cute costume I could find that wasn't too risque for work.
  • I was little bo peep and my dog was a ghost! :happy:
  • Hmmm... it is strange that we both caught the same kind of cold on our birthdays. Chicken noodle soup is definitely going to be dinner tonight. That is if I can get to the store and buy some and not give up on eating totally before I get it fixed. I hope you're feeling better too!
  • Playing dead sounds good... maybe I should call in dead to work, lol. Hope you're feeling better this week. :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks, I hope you feel better too. I'm definitely gonna convince my bf that tonight is a good night for soup.
  • My boyfriend gave me his cold this weekend. (Nice birthday present, huh?) My chest is congested and I feel nauseous, not to mention just tired all over. So I'm planning to give my body a rest from working out, but I have no appetite whatsoever. So far today I have been able to choke down my breakfast, mid-morning snack,…
  • My boyfriend the tactless wonder (he's not all that bad though :wink: ) picked me up of the couch the other day and said, "Hey you're easier to pick up now." I just smiled and said, "I've never been easy, you should know that!" :laugh:
  • What do you do when you go out to eat somewhere but you can't find the exact nutrition? For example one of my work girls has convinced me into going to this little Italian place for lunch today. Of course I went online to check out their menu and see about the nutrition information. They didn't have any nutrition…
  • Banks recommends once every couple of weeks, but as we all know everyone is different. Here's the link to his thread with some really great tips on how to avoid plateauing.
  • Okay first of all THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! Ever since I started MFP I had been having trouble with plateauing every two or three weeks. This time I checked out what you guys had to say (especially the post by Banks) and I tried out a bunch of different things. My last try this past weekend was shocking my…
  • Yeah we have the "at will" labor policy here as well. He and I both came to the conclusion that they're just checking with the HR people to make sure they won't have a lawsuit on their hands if they do fire him. Our entire company is based almost solely on politics. I was passed over for a promotion to a job that I had…
  • He's not still attached to his wife in any way other than on paper and through his children. I really doubt that he wouldn't want me hearing the evidence seeing as how I know exactly when he's at work and when he's not and he and I went over his time sheet together to make sure they matched minus the two days he took off…
  • I'm not really sure about that. (This is my first full-time job.) But I think so, because we have a union representative. Or there is one at work. It gets confusing because some of the employees are government and some work for contracting companies like myself. So there are several different sets of rules depending upon…
  • No, its a rather large government contracting company. And yes I know most companies usually cover their butts really well when it comes to HR matters, but honestly there's no way to prove if he was here or not. We do our own time sheets. Its not like we have to clock in or anything. More like an honor system. So some had…
  • I'm sorry guys, but I really have to vent right now. My boyfriend and I work for the same company and this morning he got called into our boss's office. Apparently someone has said that he has been falsifying his time sheet. We have electronic time sheets that we fill out ourselves so it is actually possible. The thing…
  • I don't know of a site for calories burned doing a specific exercise DVD. I would highly recommend investing in a heart rate monitor (HRM). You can search through the posts and see what some of our fellow MFPers have to say about them and which ones they recommend. They can get a little pricy, but if you're on a budget,…