

  • Zarebeth, LOL...great idea to see how the 8 lbs of butter feel off of me and not on me anymore!!! Thanks for that!!! Stacy
  • Wow great sucess ladies! I am so proud of all of you!! I am 5'3 SW: 244 (1/2/12) CW: 239 (1/17/12) So far: 5 lbs Next weigh in is on Tuesday Goal: first of 3 people (my best friend and her mom) in competition to loose 20# gets 75$...........but neither of them have 100 lbs to loose like I do! Jan goal 10 would be soooo…
  • Wow!!!! Thanks for all of the support!! This group is awesome! I have been to chiropractor and he was not able to help me afer 8 weeks so he said I should go to the medical doctor. I am in PT 2 x week and it really has been helping! I feel better for a few days and then closer to when I am about to go back, I am in pain…
  • Thanks for telling your story!!! We all need to lose...our health and families are way more important than....well to put it BOLDY....overeating!! I am here to encourage and support any one who needs it; as like others have gone through very rough times...a car accident that changed my life.....I got severly depressed…
  • Gail, Welcome to the group. This is very challenging, but with dedication and support from other members; just in one week, I have been supportedso much that it motivates me to keep going. Just remember that you didn't put this weight on overnight...or in the last 4 put it on over time; and unfortunately, it…
  • Hi Ladies, Just wanted to say hi. I too would love to loose 100 pounds. I have crept up to weighing more and more every year since I was married. It's been 15 happy years of marriage and my husband loves me anyway but he totally understands that I need to do a lifestyle change to achieve my goal. I am counting calories,…
  • Thanks for the words of encouragement!! So very nice to know I am not the only one out there struggling! Today was better because I was out running some better low calorie choices! :) but now that I am home I feel pretty hungry! I am downing the water and I hear you about the exercise to and from the bathroom…