

  • Thanks! I've been finding that too... things get busy and soon you are eating more and tracking less....but just keep coming back to it
    in Hi Comment by zeonsuki July 2011
  • Hi Sarah, I'm Debbie, a little older than you at 62. Just trying to learn the ropes of communicating on this site. I too hope to lose 40 pounds. Best of luck!
    in hello Comment by zeonsuki July 2011
  • Hi, I joined in late June, I agree it is keeping track of that intake! Every time I think I've got it down and start to slide, I start gradually eating more, which I discover when I get back to tracking. Good luck!
  • Thanks for sharing. I'd love to be at 150, and you did look fine. But best to get off the extra weight now, then you have more years to be slim!
  • Thanks for sharing. I'd love to be at 150, and you did look fine. But best to get off the extra weight now, then you have more years to be slim!
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