

  • GOOD FOR YOU! Thats just GREAT! Well done..heres to living again and staying fit and healthy.... Very motivating for the rest of us! Thanks
  • Hi there! I have not done any push ups in a long time....and have only just started back on here. My arms are pretty weak...BUT....A challenge is a challenge... I will see how many i can do!! I will let you know!
  • Plenty of WA people on here!! You need to Just stick to this.... I'm off and on like a yo yo. When im on..I'm accountable for my food. When I'm off...i eat too much! Hope you get your new you and life change that your looking for... Chat soon Thornlie local
  • Michelle Bridgs says " J.F.D.I." Just F..... Do It! this is the card I pull out when I'm whinging and moaning about having to train. ( It even happens to her!) Sometimes you need to cut the crap, shut the hell up and J.F.D.I Michelle is Autralia's most successful weight loss expert. She has been working with "The biggest…
  • I have had a few over the years...But my latest one was a real concern for me. I have put on about 8 kg in about 9 months, and no im not pregnant! Most of the weight has gone straight to my torso...for the first time in my weight gain time. I'm 38 and It just sits there now! I have had a few moments when I'm sitting on my…
  • Personally, Water is what your body needs and will become VERY dehydrated easily without it. All I ever drink 98% of the time is water. I like the fact that my organs are getting the water needed to function properly. I heard about a lady who donated her body to science, she NEVER had water, only softdrinks, tea and coffee…
  • GOODLUCK!! Its the best thing i can find to keep me on track! Its great to actually exercise to eat! You can still eat lots, you just need to move more!! All the best! Georgina
  • Hey there! Im in Australia so maybe miles from you.....BUT I found this site has been my saviour! I have lost 12 pounds and have about 25 more to go I think ( we use kilograms here) I feel that having a goal to work towards and getting there is the best feeling. Set a small and attainable goal to reach. Then when you reach…
  • Are you drinking about 1.5 litres of water a day? Have you suddenly stopped sugar intake? Both could be causing the headaches. If it continues i would see a doctor.
  • Loved it!!! I have heard that one before.... but a good one to remind us again. Thanks
  • Taking a weight off that you were using?????? Who does that??? Thats down right weird.