Motivation please! I give up after 2 days

Hey guys!

Really need some tips and motivation! Iv'e been wanting to lose weight for ages, I'm not overweight just wanting to be skinny and get my once had abs. Every time I try to lose weight after 2 days I give up because I get that taste of eating unhealthy food or exercise is to hard. Don't know why but since I started putting on weight my muscles are beginning to get smaller. I put weight on everywhere and Its starting to affect my social life because I don't want to go swimming in this hot weather because of my weight.


Jay! :)


  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    Don't try to be perfect all in one day! Start by just tracking your foods and not going over your calorie limits. Once you are able to do that, you can slowly start incorporating healthier foods. You can't go from Twinkies to carrots overnight an expect to be able to stick to it!

    Eventually, yes, you will need to start paying attention to your macro and micro nutrient balance, but take getting healthier one step at a time. Your long term goal may to be at a certain weight and body fat percentage, but make short term goals. Try just tracking your food one week. Then making sure you don't go over your calorie limit the next week. Make a goal for each week, and the motivation from each accomplishment will help motivate you to keep going.

    Good luck!
  • TheLittleLebowski
    I don't do much exercise, and I eat whatever I want and just try to stay under my calorie allowance. It's a lot easier than you think, I kept starting and failing diets and failing because I was too extreme on myself, little steps and eventually it becomes a lifestyle change.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    HEY JAY, What the heck has ever been sucessfull in 2 days. Like this girl said start tracking your calories and protein. If you eat less calories and increase your activity you will start the weight loss.
    We can encourage you bbut if you don't have the motivation you aren't going to accomplish much.

  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    No matter what you try to accomplish in life, success takes time. That's often the hardest part of trying to lose weight. You have to be patient and know that if you keep at it, time will pass, and success will be yours. If you start today, and stick with it everyday for 6 months, you'll look at yourself then and say "wow, look how far I've come". Find something to inspire you. Dig deep for determination. You can do this.
  • Georgeous74
    Michelle Bridgs says
    " J.F.D.I."
    Just F..... Do It!
    this is the card I pull out when I'm whinging
    and moaning about having to train.
    ( It even happens to her!)
    Sometimes you need to cut the crap, shut the hell up and

    Michelle is Autralia's most successful weight loss expert.
    She has been working with "The biggest loser"

    I JUST Love this saying...and thats because I'm full of excuses!!
    But have this written on your bathroom mirror and ....well excuses begone!
    Just get out there!

    This quote was from her new book Called
    5 minutes a day.

  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    We're all here for the same reason, why should we be giving you motivation if you've given up on yourself after 2 days? It takes hard work and dedication (13 months for me so far). You need to change your attitude and do it for yourself :flowerforyou:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    man up

    quit whining

    just do it
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    If you aren't overweight, focus on fitness. And there find something that you really enjoy doing. Something that is fun and social, and gets done almost without thinking. Like walking on the treadmill in front of a big screen TV showing a program that is full of tension and suspense. Like joining a square dancing club, where calories are burned but the atmosphere is social and there is lots of interaction. Like joining a hiking club and heading out to the mountains every weekend and drinking in the beauty as you walk. Like following a discipline like Tai Chi where you have a master-apprentice relationship. Like getting a gorgeous dog and walking it twice a day. If your passion is swimming, get a great cover-up, and spend more time in the water where no one will see your figure flaws.

    Get creative and find something that you will love doing for a lifetime. Log your food. Make sure you are eating healthy.

    Enjoy life.
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    When I joined MFP I didn't know where to start, I had 80+lb to lose and all I did to get started was log my food. That's it. Every day, just plugging in whenever I ate/drank anything. Pretty soon I could see why I was the size I was!

    Within a couple of weeks I was making sure I was hitting my calorie allowance (+ or - 50 calories) every day. It's not that hard! I do make bargains with myself, like if I want to have a bigger dinner I'll go for a 30 minute brisk walk or eat a smaller lunch to earn the calories for it. I log every single day, good or bad, and sometimes it is really bad lol :drinker:

    I must be doing something right because 255 days down the line, I've never missed a day and am down 53lb! :laugh: I really think it's simply because I'm aware of how many calories I'm eating. That's all, nothing miraculous there. It's tempting to skip a day when you know you've gone over, but don't. You're only kidding yourself. Get logging, keep it up, and see where it gets you. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    start slow, and learn. Use the calorie tracker RELIGIOUSLY. First, try looking up your favorite foods. Say you like apple pie: using applesauce in place of butter and sugar makes it a healthier choice. Just find what you like and tweak it.

    anyone can lose weight, and that's it. There's no reason why you can't, you're the only one standing in your way. In fact, no matter what foods you eat, as long as you eat at a deficit you'll always lose. (this isn't healthy, and you could end up "skinny fat", but I'm just saying.) Don't set yourself "cheat days". I don't have cheat days, because if I was ONE square of chocolate, I have it. If I want ONE candy cane, I eat it. No biggie. add it to my log, move on. The point of this is to get healthier, it's not some type of diet. It's a lifestyle and until you realize that completely that there is NO going back, and you definitely are going to have to work for this, you may never lose weight. It took me a long time to finally realize that.

    Look through these forums, they're loaded with inspiration. Look at the picture threads and the success stories.

    Try searching for the thread "In place of a road map". It's really helpful for a lot of people. Don't starve yourself either. That's only a recipe for quitting. Eat, eat eat. Depending on your height and weight, you'll have a certain number of calories you are supposed to eat.

    So in short: Eat what you want in moderation, look for tweaks to your favorite foods, don't expect this to be a cakewalk, learn to overcome discomfort when working out (tough, I know. But you WON'T die if your heart beats fast - I KNOW! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT EITHER! haha.) Just DO it. And it gets easier as you go along. It's all worth it in the end. Sure, cramming a whole chocolate bar in your mouth is great for 5 seconds, but think of that 5 seconds as 5 minutes off your life. Think of calories as money, and you don't want to overspend or underspend. Don't focus too much on macro and micronutrients right now, you can learn about that as you go. Just make sure you're not overdoing it on carbs or fats or anything. These things are GOOD, but like I said, moderation is the key. The secrets to life are hidden in the word cliche!

    Don't forget to measure your food either. That's the biggest tip I can give.

    Oh yeah, and just quit other drinks and focus on drinking water. That's about the first big and easy step to take for most people
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    We're all here for the same reason, why should we be giving you motivation if you've given up on yourself after 2 days? It takes hard work and dedication (13 months for me so far). You need to change your attitude and do it for yourself :flowerforyou:

    I love this. So many times have I attempted to jazz someone into losing weight, when they're just not wanting to put themselves through any type of discomfort. They just want results without doing anything. and that makes me MAD! I've mumbled at the TV for the ridiculous weight loss ads that come on sometimes :P :laugh:
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Hey guys!

    Really need some tips and motivation! Iv'e been wanting to lose weight for ages, I'm not overweight just wanting to be skinny and get my once had abs. Every time I try to lose weight after 2 days I give up because I get that taste of eating unhealthy food or exercise is to hard. Don't know why but since I started putting on weight my muscles are beginning to get smaller. I put weight on everywhere and Its starting to affect my social life because I don't want to go swimming in this hot weather because of my weight.


    Jay! :)

    First thing, if your looking for someone else to motivate you, your going at it all wrong. The first thing I learned on here is that your going to do what you want no matter what anyone else says. They cant be there when your at the store and a snickers is calling your name, they cant be there in the gym telling you to lift those weights another 5 reps...

    So how do you do it? Like Nike says: Just do it. Keep doing it and eventually it becomes ROUTINE and you don't think about it anymore. People are creatures of habit and once you make it part of your day, it will drive you nuts not to do it.

    As far as food goes, if you don't plan on giving a specific food up for the rest of your life, do not give it up now. That's one of the biggest mistakes people make. They change their diet so dramatically, drink shakes 2 times a day for meals, cut out whole food groups, go on fasts, eat salads every meal and when they go back to "normal eating" they either don't know how to eat a balanced diet of their body goes crazy and puts the weight back on.

    Do not cut out all of the food you love. Just try eating healthy for 1-2 meals a day then increase it as you find more food you like. Never ever eat "healthy food" you don't like. I mean, again, are you going to eat it the rest of your life? Probably not so don't eat it now.
    Keep the take out/going out to eat to once a week. Fast food is icky too. Watch the documentaries Food Inc and King Corn and that should help. I haven't eaten McDonalds in 5 years.