

  • Checked my weight this morning .. lost -2ibs :wink: I am so happy about that!!!!!!
  • Ok - So I tried by shoes today (new Balance) not sure if it helped - will see with a few more days of doing it right :laugh: - Always can use a good excuse to buy more shoes though :tongue: . With my work I have heels galore but go skimpy on the weekend shoes - mostly flops. Think of another good video for us to do in…
  • Regarding Knees hurting: I am working out on my area rug (on carpet) in living room- It may be because I am not wearing my tennis shoes :ohwell: - I will try my shoes the rest of the week and see if that helps. I feel better when working out - although I still have my mommie belly below my belly button to loose; I can feel…
  • Hello not excercising like i should - Best friend is having a baby, so I have been at the hospital supporting her. Here are my measurements Start 146 Belly 37 Bum 42.5 Week 1 - 147 Belly 36.5 Bum 42 Week 2 -146.5 Belly 35.9 Bum 42 (will i ever loose this bum?) In a wedding on 10/18 - I want to loose much more to look sexy…
  • is anyone else knees hurting them? I had a previous minor injury when I use to lift weights and was in shape (yeah - 8 years ago) and are only bothered when I try to do leg lifts - seems my potential is more than the old knees can handel. Going back to my origional sentence previous to babbling... every since L2 my knees…
  • not a morning person however may try to start doing my Yoga in the morning and then shred in the evenings. Can not wait to see the scale begin to move in my favor again. Good evening Ladies (lookie new picture - my husband and 16 mos old cute hugh?)
  • How are you all logging level 2? I was thinking level 2 was easier than 1 until I got to the last 5 mins :) Surely we are burning more calories as we increase levels? Right? (I hope)
  • I too am having TOM issues, so my weight went up 1 ib (normally it goes up 5). Here are my week 1 results (missed working out Sat) Start Belly 37 Bum 42.5 (ghetto bum) 9/8 Start Week 2 Belly 36.5 Bum 42 No weight loss thus far, hope to see results on weight first of next week. But loosing inches slowly. This week i start…
  • Tonight is day 4 for me. I am doing level 1 still (I simply hate the jumping jacks then strait to jump rope part - when I master that I will go to Level 2) and after level one to cool down I do my Yoga (LOVE YOGA). My calves are still sore from Tuesday, but I like sore - confirms that it is working. Funny note: my husband…
  • :heart: Day 2 (got started on 9/2) my calves were sore this morning and doing the jump rope on level 1 almost broke me however I kept pushing through. 2 days down 28 more to go... hang in there my fellow team mates. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter Hello everyone - OK so my husband laughed at me as I was loosing my breath trying to attempt 1st level. BUT I hung in there and was so excited when I finished. I had a late start so yesterday was my first of 30 days. I'm so excited; I am going to push to start Level 2 on…
  • OK Ladies, I have ordered my DVD, I sure hope this works. I am a Yoga person, do Yoga at least 40 mins a day - I hope I can hang with the cardio - we will see!
  • You are a strong woman just with what you have endured thus far. Hang in there! You will be at your goal in no time! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    in Hello all! Comment by Toby August 2008
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter :happy: Hey Guys - thanks for the encouragement! I'm so excited about getting my body back one day soon. Check out the Jillian 30 day Challenge post - I am going to try this - have ordered my video and ready to roll
  • i joined My Fitness Pal due to the sucess of my Sister. I have fell in love with tracking my meals and exercise. I feel better than ever and are proud of my sucess so far. i joined in Aug and in 2 weeks have lost and maintained the loss of 3 ibs, already loosing inches in neck and hips. My cloths are looser so i know i am…