30 Day Shred Challenge - Week 2 - Sept 8 to 14

AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Week 2 of the Shred Challenge...

Let's post our stats!

Have a great week shredding!


  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Week 2 of the Shred Challenge...

    Let's post our stats!

    Have a great week shredding!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Week 2 Check In:

    Weight Loss Goal: 8 lbs / 2 lbs per week
    Weight Lost: 2.5 lbs :love: :smile: :love:

    Starting Waist: 27"
    End of week 1: 27" :grumble:
    End of week 2:
    End of week 3:
    End of week 4:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Yes, start of week 2!!!! No shredding today but did 47 mins on the treadmill, pretty intense workout...I weighed myself this morning. Down one pound!!!!!! 4 to go to reach my second and last goal!! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Yes, start of week 2!!!! No shredding today but did 47 mins on the treadmill, pretty intense workout...I weighed myself this morning. Down one pound!!!!!! 4 to go to reach my second and last goal!! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Awesome work!!!!

    Alf - I think you pointed out the "secret" earlier in a previous post - we need to couple a clean diet with the exercise - I think that was the secret to my success this week - my diet - I ate very clean, and I went to bed a litte hungry every night last week, and embraced it!!!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Doing shred level one today. Arms are tired and will be going for a walk so doing the lighter level today. Not that it's really THAT light. :laugh:
    I have gained half a pound. Seems that's the only direction the scale is moving lately. Changing my calorie intake this week to see if that will change the scale and my clothes somehow. Getting rather frustrating!
    I'll post again tomorrow (try to do level two, maybe three if I am brace enough!)
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    OK this week the scale did not move, down anyway, was up 4 lbs yesterday, but I know it is TOM. I have NEVER gone over my calories, so I am not going to even focus on that. However...I have lost 1 inch off my waist and 1 off my hips this week. :bigsmile:

    Starting waist: 37
    Starting Hips: 44

    wk1 waist: 36
    wk1 hips: 43
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Doing shred level one today. Arms are tired and will be going for a walk so doing the lighter level today. Not that it's really THAT light. :laugh:
    I have gained half a pound. Seems that's the only direction the scale is moving lately. Changing my calorie intake this week to see if that will change the scale and my clothes somehow. Getting rather frustrating!
    I'll post again tomorrow (try to do level two, maybe three if I am brace enough!)

    Could it be the water retention from the strength training? If you were, say, a runner prior to starting this, and strength training was new, your muscles will be retaining fluid. I wouldn't sweat half a pound! You are a success because you've been doing the program!

    Have a great week!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    OK this week the scale did not move, down anyway, was up 4 lbs yesterday, but I know it is TOM. I have NEVER gone over my calories, so I am not going to even focus on that. However...I have lost 1 inch off my waist and 1 off my hips this week. :bigsmile:

    Starting waist: 37
    Starting Hips: 44

    wk1 waist: 36
    wk1 hips: 43

    TOM is evil, and can make the scale move in the wrong direction! I woulnd't sweat it, and keep going! GREAT work on losing an inch on both your waist AND hips!!!! Awesome!!!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay, well, I don't have a tape measure, but by eyeballing it I know I'm "slimmer." Level two is interesting. I'm not in as much pain, guess my legs are used to the grind from level one. I was able to push harder yesterday in level two than I did the day before (which was the first time I'd done it) therefore was more tired. It's a beast.

    Weight wise, I'm up, and I'm anally counting calories, so I know my food intake isn't the problem. So, like many of you, the weight right now is driving me batty, but I'm keeping focused knowing that it will begin to move the other way eventually. And I'm staying focused on the exercise.

    This 20 minutes is the only exercise I can fit into my day, so I'm hoping in the long run it will prove to be enough.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    OK I feel really silly but what is shredding? I have never heard of it and i see it all over. Can someone educate me on shredding. thanx and wishing u all great success!:flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    it's an exercise DVD by Jillian Michaels, "30 Day Shred." It kicks your butt.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    thanx Marla!:flowerforyou:
  • I did 5 of 7 days last week. It went really well. By the end of the week I had not lost any weight but was feeling better. Today I weighed in, I am up. But I know it is water weight. I retain very easily and my diet was not so good this weekend. And had too much alcohol. But I had a lot of fun. So back on the eating right train and feeling good.
    Today I did level 2 plus a kickboxing video.

    Good luck and have a great Monday.

  • Toby
    Toby Posts: 17
    I too am having TOM issues, so my weight went up 1 ib (normally it goes up 5). Here are my week 1 results (missed working out Sat)

    Belly 37
    Bum 42.5 (ghetto bum)

    9/8 Start Week 2
    Belly 36.5
    Bum 42

    No weight loss thus far, hope to see results on weight first of next week. But loosing inches slowly.
    This week i start level 2 - Wish me luck

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, I'm tellin' ya-- I'm fixin' to kick Jillian Michael's butt-- EVERYONE who is doing this blinkin' thing has gained. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    You're Not Alone
    Even if you don't have the kind of people in your life who'd make good partners in crime, role models, or fans, don't lose hope. There are other people out there who would be happy to make a new friend like you. Seek them out by joining a group, hiring a trainer, asking a co-worker to be your diet buddy, or approaching someone at the gym about training together. If you surround yourself with people who support you and want to see you succeed, chances are you will.
  • Lavendersunday
    Lavendersunday Posts: 458 Member
    My starting 9/1/08 Stats... Cringe!! :embarassed: :
    Putting it out there for all to see :ohwell:

    Weight: 156
    Bust: 38
    Waist: 34.5
    Hips: 38

    Today's stats 9/8/08

    Weight: 158
    Bust: 38
    Waist: 34
    Hips: 38

    Today is day 8/30 - doing Shred Level 2

    I think I know why my weight increased. You cannot go from drinking 8 glassed of water daily to drinking 4. I feel bloated and it is probably from my body retaining water and from eating salty
    restaurant food. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuugh...this is so frustrating!!!!!! :mad: :explode: :angry: :grumble:

    Shredders... when I did my Shred today...I did it with a vengence of a 2lb. weight gain! :bigsmile:

    AJCM and fellow shredders... I gotta get my groove back people!! :tongue:

    ~Namaste :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Alright, I wasn't going to do this because I was embarrassed :embarassed: about how much I have gained since my last measurements in February, but I would like to know if the Shred really does what it says it will. So here's my measurements:
    Weight: 151
    waist: 34.25
    rt upper thigh:22.75

    I've some how managed to gain ten pounds and about 5-6 inches. I know some of the weight is muscle because it is going up since I started working out again. So as much as I hate to see those numbers, there they are.
  • Hey fellow Shredders!

    I weighed in this morning and l'm down 2 pounds. I've really been working on eating clean the past few weeks, and I have been steadily losing. I hope I can keep this up... I know the plateau is bound to rear its ugly head sooner or later.

    Goal for September Shred Challenge= 8 lbs. loss
    End of week 1= 2 lbs. loss

    Today will be Shred Level 2 with 3 and 5 lb. weights.
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    Hey fellow Shredders!

    I weighed in this morning and l'm down 2 pounds. I've really been working on eating clean the past few weeks, and I have been steadily losing. I hope I can keep this up... I know the plateau is bound to rear its ugly head sooner or later.

    Goal for September Shred Challenge= 8 lbs. loss
    End of week 1= 2 lbs. loss

    Today will be Shred Level 2 with 3 and 5 lb. weights.

    CONGRATS ON YOUR LOSE! That's great...it gives us hope:happy:
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