

  • Thanks so much for the pics and great meal ideas everyone!
  • It's so great that you're going to be helping her! You've gotten some excellent advice already, so I'll just say this about her calorie views... they do sound out of whack if she thinks 1200 is a lot. I think it's a good idea to emphasize that stressing out the body can make it hold onto weight out of self-defense--I know…
  • When it comes down to it, who HASN'T struggled? Maybe the very few people who can eat positively anything and still stay at a weight they like, and the very few people who don't give a rip about their weight no matter what category they're in. But I'm going to guess the vast majority of people aren't in those situations.…
  • I'm sorry he said that, it sounds hurtful. Did you tell him how it made you feel? And I think your idea of waiting is a good one. Your body has been through so many changes in the last 2-3 years and skin is always the last to adjust. In some people it tightens some more, in others it doesn't. To the guys: it's extremely…