

  • Hi Hannah, I started out on here 2 months ago with the goal of losing 7lbs before pool season. It was so easy to keep track of my eating and get accurate calorie counts that, to date, I've lost 16lbs and am down to a size 4. I don't use supplements but I have found that a high fiber intake really seems to help. I love to…
  • First - 73 pounds lost, that is AMAZING! Congratulations on really making it work! Second, like the person above stated, it is all a basic math computation but each person's body works a little different. Use the calories as a guideline but go with what feels right to your body. Continue to monitor your weight closely so…
  • I'm a SAHM of two 4 and 5 year old girls. My husband also works 12+ hour days. This is the first year I've managed to actually get to the gym. The YMCA near me is brand new and my 4 year old loves the child watch room while my 5 year old is in school. That said, if you can't get out, anything Jillian Michael's is amazing.…
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