Hummina Member


  • try this. it's no replacement for real pizza, but its real low cal. 1/2cup or whole wheat pastry flour (regular flour will probably work, but i haven't tried it). 3/4cup of liquid eggs like egg beaters 1tsp of baking powder mix it all up into a batter and pour it into a well PAM'ed pizza pan and spread it out to get the…
  • As someone who weighs just about everything I eat, 5 grams of veggies? Wont make a shed of difference. 5 grams of peanut butter? That's a decent difference. It really just depends how exact you want to be.
  • In regards to body composition, meal timing makes no difference. If you eat one huge meal at 11PM, you will get the same results as eating 6 smaller meals throughout the day, as long as they total the same amount of calories, of course. in terms of energy throughout the day, experiment and see what works best for you.