

  • I am too, too happy. 7 pounds, GONE. For me, that is a great accomplishment. It's always been so hard to lose. I do believe MFP is major in making this happen. Just hanging out here and getting support and motivation from all of you is priceless. Thank you all.
  • The internet is loaded with great, good, healthy recipe sites. Just GOOGLE in recipes ---followed by whatever you want . You can spent hours collecting them.
  • I found MFP 2 wks. and I, too, am loving it. Between the food and exercise journals that make monitoring yourself a breeze, and fun) and the input of all these wonderful members on the message boards, ya just gotta love this place. I would be too happy to check progress, motivate, etc with you punka.
  • Try beans (+rice).
  • Looks like you're on a liquid diet. You definitely need more fiber and protein. eg: chicken, fish, broccoli, spinach, beans, whole grain breads, pasta, almonds, etc. If you HAVE to go to McDonald's, get the grilled chicken and a salad (use only a small amount of the dressing).
  • 2day4ever has the right solution for "fast food" temptation.............KEEP AWAY! You need to get cooking girl. That's the only way to be in total control of what you eat. Plan, shop and cook it yourself. (you will also save money)
  • How sweet.............. Good luck to you reaching goal.
  • You know you are a MFPer when: You spend too much time hanging around this website. It's addictive. When I login to make entries in my food and exercise journals I find myself browsing the message boards. These MFP members are terriffic. However I, for one, would like to see some more input from the "more mature set". I…
  • On the above web page is a good list of high fiber foods.
  • This is a great snack. I got this dish years ago from weight watchers. To make it creamier, you can add a little yogurt.
  • Posting this pic is meeeeeeeeeeeanjavascript:add_smiley('devil','post_body') Devil I hope it doesn't put me over the edge. javascript:add_smiley('grumble','post_body') Grumble Its been so long since I ate anything this bad for me.
  • Legally separated is still MARRIED! A relationship with a "still married" person is usually destined for disaster.
  • Exercise.........I hate it! However, I'm able do lots of walking, and not mind it, while shopping! Also giving up my wine or martini every evening. Now that's a sacrifice.
  • Whipped Jello with Yogurt 3/4 C boiling water 1 pkg. (4 servings) Jello (red) 1/2 C cold water and ice cubes to make 1 Cup 8 oz Plain Yogurt 1/2 tsp. Vanilla Pour boiling water in blender. Add Jello and blend until dissolved (1 min.) Add combined cold water and ice cubes. Stir with spoon til ice is almost melted then blend…
  • SWEET POTATOES WITH WARM BLACK BEAN SALAD For a satisfying last-minute supper, it's hard to beat a sweet potato zapped in the microwave. The fragrant filling of beans and tomatoes adds protein. Be sure to eat the skin, which is full of fiber, as well. 4 medium sweet potatoes 1 15-ounce can black beans, rinsed 2 medium…
  • What with eating 12,000 calories a day, exercising 30 hrs. a week and squeezing in a few hrs. of sleep, when does Phelps have time to do anything else? Like socializing, laughing, playing, reading, watching tv, surfing the net;or any of the other pleasurable, dumb, things we mortals do..............But I suppose the…
  • I totally LOVE the food diary.............. It's a great way to track food, calories, etc., intake. So accurate and easy to use. I am very optimistic about succeeding in my weight loss with the aid of this website.