

  • Im getting my bf a big surprise this yr. I paying for his registration to NorCal Tough Mudder!! I figured if Im getting him a gift then make it one that he'll use or want. We'll do the event together. Im ordering Sheris Berries as a bonus treat for that day. Oh and plenty of SEX!!!
  • I was told by my dietitian to strive for 1500 cal and not to eat the exercise cals. The 1500 cals per day has the earned cals worked in. Its really up to you. Do you feel hungry or like your lacking meat/fruit/veggies? I was feeling really drained because I wasn't eating enough.
  • I also did Tough Mudder in NorCal. I ran with TEAM HULK on Sunday. We are 44 team mates strong (and growing). We ran hiking trails and the beach to help prep for the hill of Squaw Valley. Twice a week we do a boot camp at my gym. Mainly upper body workouts. I think the main challenge is just having the energy to…
  • Grilled chicken or any meat that can be used on a salad. I make a big pot of brown rice or beans every week. So I just have to reheat and serve. Im pretty good about always having left overs ready for the kids. I cook about 2 times a week and save the left overs for the kids. I also have a tub full of cut veggies so its…
  • Cup of Noodles, Ramon Noodles and Mac & Cheese are not your friend. There are other way to have easy dinners. Are you a starving college student or do you not cook?
  • What kind of exercise do you do? Try eating foods with a higher cal count. If you stay below 1200 on a regular basis then you will have a harder time dropping lbs. Your body needs cals to function with your normals actives and if you add exercise into the mix then you needs to eat 1200 for sure to support your body. You…
  • Ive been doing 1500 mg of sodium for about 6 months. The idea is that you make every thing homemade or buy fresh. Make your own soup, beans, hummus and salsa. For me the biggest culprit was lunch meat, crackers, soups, precessed salsa, dressings and frozen dinner (Smart Ones). I make one big batch of salsa and beans every…
  • Lots and lots of water. Take walks, drink water, or drink a few sips of a soda when you first start getting the symptoms. You can also get with drawls from sugar so make sure if you do soda is like Zero Cal.
  • hummus, nuts, string cheese, special K crackers, veggies, Quaker Rice Cakes.
  • Can you have good complex carbs? That seems like a lot of protein. You body #1 source on energy is carbs, followed by protein and last if fat. Greek yogurt, homemade beans, all meats, and nuts are great for protein. Complex carbs that are good include: beans, brown rice, wild rice, slow cook oats, whole grains, corn meal,.
  • Homemade beans, oatmeal and I love High Fiber tortillas.
  • I just took a peek at your foods. Your doing good with fruit but maybe try balancing it out with more veggies. Your sugar limit should be 35g a day and with so much fruit in your diet your going way over. Natural sugar is better for you so just try to balance it out. Like if I have fruit then no juice today or yogurt.…
  • Friend request sent! What are some of your goals?
  • What time of the day do you work out? If its first thing in the morning try a smoothie. Later in the day its what ever meal I'm having. I don't do any thing special for work out. I just make sure I eat 1-2 hrs before a work out so I don't get sick. If I have enough time in the am I'll have eggs or oatmeal. I hate going on…
  • Water helps flush out the fiber that you have eaten. Fiber is something that your body can't absorb. It acts like a collector as is passes through your digestive system but it can also get stuck in your bowels and cause a blockage. If you have a high fiber diet then you need to drink plenty of water. Water makes every…
  • Yes! They count. Im getting my girls done once I meet my weight loss goal. I've had 2 kids and breast fed both. I'm now stretched out and they are lower then they should be. I recently got a consult for a lift and augmentation (enlargement). Once the Dr took my measurement and explained what needs to be done , Im now super…
  • Can you make your diary public so we can see what you are eating? Most likely you have it a plateau. You body has gotten used to your regular routine and doesn't want to budge. What kinds of exercising do you do?
  • Do you have a HRM? Ive used my HRM for the 30 Day Shred and I usually burn about 300 cals per 30 mins. You can make your own category for the DVD if you have an idea of the cal burned. Ive added rope climbing, elliptical and Zumba. I'm about to add Bootcamp (Arms, legs and core).
  • Don't over eat or binge eat. Make sure You eat before you head out and drink lots of water. You can eat tonight with in limits. We have all been in your position. Do the best that you can. Log your calories today and allow yourself to be over. You can calorie cycle this week if it make you feel better. use today as your…
  • I love to read. Start going to the library or goodwill for cheap paperbacks. Do you like cross word puzzles? You can get books for cheap. I also crochet. You can find How To on youtube. I taught myself from a book. Now i can do it while watching a movie or TV. Keep the hands busy and doesn't take up much room. Get 1 skein…
  • Go to your home page and click on GOALS. This page is based on the info you provided. The Net is the difference between a normal days activities and what you intake. The Net is the what makes you loose weight. If you are on a 1200 cal intake then always stick to 1200. If you exercise and its entered in then you are awarded…
  • Ive had hair down to my butt to the stylish angled cut. I think it all depends on how you wear it and your personality. If you have long hair but its always up (bun, braid or pony) then whats the point of long hair. The only time I wear my hair down is when its short. Ive asked a few guys what they think most say long but…
  • Don't worry. I've had 2 c-section and I still have the 5 month prego look when Im super full. Working out all of your stomach muscles will help along with your weight loss. Every one carries weight differently. I carry most of my weight in my hips. I just got my belly button/ waist measurement under 30 inches. I still see…
  • You should see me run. Im constantly pulling up my pants. I have about 30 more lbs to go so I may have to get a few things to hold me over. Luckily my bra and shirt size hasn't changed much. My girls weren't large to start with and i tend to wear my work out clothes on most days.
  • Jif make a low sugar and low sodium peanut butter.
  • Funny you should bring this up... I just went to my OBGYN for the same reason. Im training for Tough Mudder this fall and I run with my thighs clenched, dread sit ups and any lower stomach exercises. I was told to do kegel exercises twice a day for 10 seconds. I did talk to a Urologist because I was recommended for surgery…
  • Im not sure how you want to log the extra weights but you can log it under Strength Training. Do some are curls or other exercise with the weights to make the most of it. You can log the lbs and reps/ sets.
  • I still feel full from last night. I had a bag of popcorn and lots of rail mix right after dinner. Late night munchies suck!
  • It could be that you aren't supporting your arches. Do you wear inserts? Zumba is great but remember that it is a high impact dance. You can see your Dr if it keeps up but you are too young to have Arthritis. I started running 4 months ago and my feet still ache after a few miles a week. Switch it up to less impact…
  • I love my Polar FT4. It cost about $100. When you pick one look for a chest strap and one that you can enter in all of your personal info in to get accurate results.