Those are great results!! Thanks for sharing very motivating I have the video maybe I should dust it off :)
Yes please!!! Will there be a thread to keep us updated?? 1. Fieldsy 2. active52 3. nos150 4. lt_mrcook 5. Sammywil 6. heaverchell 7. kissyfur26 8. goal4good 9. yatesam 10. Jaygirl3 11. kayakgirl11 12. Usbornegal 13. terihaddad 14.Jadynsmom 15. Nelski 16. oeys 17. Rehtse77 18. karenkay25 19. jklong44 20. QUEENSTATUS 21.…
Are you not seeing my posts?? I do not see my name on there...
Here is what I did for Wed Exercise 6 log 1 clean food 0 sleep 0 schedule 1
Here is what I did for Tuesday Exercise 4 sleep 1 clean food 0 log 1 schedule 1 total 7
here is my info for Monday: Exercise 6 sleep 0 food 0 log 1 schedule 1
maybe google it then add the exercise and calorie count manually...
I was horrible this weekend!! I am giving myself zero points for friday,sat, and sunday... and I gained 4 pounds at this morning's weigh in. This is really going the wrong way. I worked so hard during the weekend but I mess up over the weekends. I really am going to focus!! Good job ladies I see you all did great!!
this is for Thursday sleep 1 food diary 0 ( I only logged half my day) exercise 2 schedule 1 total 4 I was really enjoying my family day and floating the river, we have had very much sun so far this summer!! I need to get off the couch now and get my hour of cardio in Good luck ladies have a great weekend... and I do agree…
I just started Zumba and LOVE it... all ladies in my class have lost huge amounts of weight. One lady is down a hundred pounds another lost 20 pounds in 2 months and hasn't changed her diet one bit. Another lady is 35 pounds in 2 months and she did change up her diet. It is so much fun it doesn't even feel like a chore or…
sleep 1 diary 1 schedule 1 exercise 4 clean 0 total 7
I also heard the fake sugar in diet soda can have the same effect on your body as real sugar. So yes I would and am myself cutting out diet sodas!!
sleep 1 schedule exercise 1 exercise 8 food log 1 eat clean 0 total 11 but really need to get going on my morning treadmill routine, having a little bit of a hard time finding the inspiration!! Maybe it is in a cup of coffee :)
You look amazing!! Great job!! What is 30DS??? is it Jillian Michaels shredded in 30 days????
sleep 1 diary 1 eating clean 0 ( unless jelly beans count) schedule 1 exercise 4 total 7 points..
that is great!! I love it when people notice!! It is so motivating:smile:
I think if you could repost it we would get a couple more people!!
I totally want to do it!!! Okay so where do we post our start weights at??? I was on vacation last week so I have been scared to weigh in :) but I love challenges and accountability to keep me motivated. how do we start??