
  • Thank you all! I was looking at the choices when I was making the change on my profile and it had carpenter under the very active. Maybe I will change it to one under, just to be safe. And I'm sure I'll have some slow days so I can catch up on eating those calories lol =p. Thank you all again soo much! =D You made my…
  • I'm been feeling the same way. When I first started, the first couple days were horrible cravings, but now (I've probably been doing this for about a week or two?) I don't get very hungry when I should. I don't like to force myself to eat, cause then I feel sick. I'm not sure what to do about it either =/.
  • I kinda am. My boyfriend kinda knows, he says I look good no matter what (awwe =D ) but I'm still going for it. I haven't really told my family because I've always asked them to buy healthier food with me or ask them if I could borrow the TV to exercise in the past, and they always would get mad at me. So I'm doing it in…
  • lol, yeah I heard she's crazy intense! Thanks! I'll look into the netflix thing.
  • Thanks everyone! Yeah, when I do go shopping with her I do try to get her to get the oranges rather than the chips, sometimes I win lol. I usually cook my own dinners anyway cause my families schedules are different everyday so we RARELY have dinners together. Guess I just gotta keep trying! =D Thank you all again so much!!